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时间:2020-03-12 20:36来源:毕业论文

 ABSTRACT In this paper, the average level of time series data from 2000 to 2014 is applied to study the effects of FDI on the Employment in China. First set up the model of the intrinsic relationship between the foreign direct investment and the employment in China, then use the descriptive statistical analysis of Eviews6.0 software to analysis the economic relations between foreign direct investment (FDI), employment in urban units (L), fixed asset investment (CPT), gross domestic product (GDP), and then use the White test to confirm whether there is the heteroscedasticity among the four statistical variables. If so, using the least squares method to do regression analysis. The results show that foreign direct investment in our country has a positive influence on the level of employment in China, while increasing foreign direct investment, there is also a corresponding increase in employment, and promote the development of China's employment in a certain extent, ease the employment pressure in China. But the results show that the impact of FDI on the Employment in China is not very significant, there are also many factors affecting the level of employment in China, so our government should take certain measures, such as foster foreign company, increased joint venture projects, guide the flow of foreign investment in order to adjust the structure of employment, to promote the development of employment better.
Keywords: foreign direct investment;employment;regression analysis
 目  录
第一章  绪论    1
1.1研究背景及研究意义    1
1.2文献综述    1
第二章  我国FDI与就业现状分析    4
2.1我国利用FDI的现状分析    4
2.2我国就业的现状分析    8
第三章  我国FDI对就业影响的实证分析    12
3.1研究方法    12
3.2模型选择与指标说明及数据来源    12
3.3描述性统计分析    13
3.4回归分析    15
第四章  研究结论及政策建议    18
4.1研究结论    18
4.2政策建议    18
结束语    19
致  谢    20
参考文献    21
第一章  绪论
自1978年改革开放以来,外商直接投资(FDI)一直是我国对外开放策略的重要内容。尤其是1992年再次确认了改革开放的策略,为外商投资创造了更加有利的环境,外商直接投资在我国飞速增长,使得我国一跃成为吸引外资的大国。官方预计,2015年中国全年引进外资将达1260亿美元,较2014年增长5.35%,全国设立外商投资企业26575家,同比增长11.8%。截止至2015年12月底,全国非金融领域累计设立外商投资企业836404家,实际使用外资金额16423亿美元。 FDI对我国就业影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_48188.html