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时间:2020-04-06 10:28来源:毕业论文


关键词  第三方支付 监管 博弈论

毕业论文外 文 摘 要

Title    Internet financial background of the three party payment of corporate governance research 


This paper focuses on the regulatory issues of the third party payment companies in the strong background of the financial development of the internet. Through game theory method to construct the micro game model between third-party payment companies and regulators to derive illegal excess returns, supervision, and loss of reputation effects of third-party payment companies action selection; cost of regulation, incentive regulation, loss of reputation influence regulatory action choice. Further amendments to the hypothesis that the presence of the market in the presence of learning effects and demonstration effect, regulators need to establish a strict regulatory image. At the same time, the signal game theory is introduced to prove the feasibility of the application of differential margin system in the regulation of third party payment enterprises. Most of the conclusions in the case of empirical testing to be verified. 

Keywords  Third party payment  regulation  game theory 

目   次

1  绪论 1

1.1研究背景与研究意义 1

1.2研究方法和研究内容 1

2  第三方支付实践及其研究现状 3

2.1第三方支付概述 3

2.2国外监管经验及比较 3

2.3国内外研究现状 4

3  第三方支付企业与监管部门的博弈分析 8

3.1完全信息静态博弈 8

3.2不完全信息动态博弈模型 11

4  个案经验检验 16

4.1案例介绍 16

4.2经验检验 16

5  结论与启示 18

5.1主要结论 18

5.2启示 18

致  谢 20


1  绪论

1.1  研究背景与研究意义

自2003年阿里巴巴公司在淘宝网首次推出支付宝服务以来,中国的第三方支付服务在十余年间迅速扩张,蓬勃发展。依托互联网金融的发展,第三方支付在大数据时代成绩斐然。据艾瑞咨询公布的2015年第三方支付行业数据,互联网支付交易规模达11.8万亿元,同比增速46.9%,环比增长9.3%;移动支付交易规模也达10.1万亿元。其中,仅天猫商城双十一活动单日即创造了912.17亿元的网上零售交易成交金额。随着中国网络普及率的增长,人们对电子商务接受度的提高,同时第三方支付机构不断完善其产品的安全性、便利性,人们对于第三方支付方式的认可度大幅提高,也使第三方支付行业前景广阔。 互联网金融背景下第三方支付企业监管研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_49694.html
