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时间:2021-06-11 19:11来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  碳金融  低碳经济  碳金融市场  国际借鉴

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Study on the Development of Global Finance Market and Its Implications for China                                                 


Currently, International carbon finance are getting a rapid development, some countries are conducting research and cooperation about carbon finance, and have formed a relatively complete operating mechanism in the aspects of financial system, carbon finance institutions, carbon asset management. For instance, when considering carbon trading system, the EU is forced to take the task of reducing the carbon emission;the USA is not a member of“Kyoto Protocol”and the Chicago Climate Exchange is a voluntary system of mandatory emissions reduction mechanisms to join. When considering carbon finance, the USA has already owned a fairly complete operating system for carbon funds. However, compared to the rapid development of international carbon finance, carbon finance in China starts late. There are lots of problems to be solved in developing carbon finance in China.

In the circumstances, we first conduct a detailed study on the developing international situation. Second, we study the status of carbon finance in China, therefore, we find the problems about development. Third, by drawing on advanced international experience, we put forward the proposal of developing China’s carbon finance.

Keywords  Carbon Finance  Low-carbon Economy  Carbon Financial Market  International Experience

目   次  

1  引言 1

1.1  研究背景1

1.2  研究思路1 

2  理论综述 2

2.1  碳金融相关概念2

2.2  碳金融国际公约3 

2.2.1  联合国气候变化框架公约3

2.2.2  京都议定书4

3  国外碳金融市场相关介绍6

3.1  国外碳金融市场发展状况 6

3.2  国外碳金融市场间的差异7 

3.3  国外碳金融市场发展经验9 

4  中国碳金融市场发展及存在问题分析11 

4.1  中国碳金融市场发展现状11 

4.2  中国碳金融市场面临的危机13 

5  中国发展碳金融市场的国际借鉴15 

5.1  完善碳金融法律法规建设15 

5.2  制定积极的碳减排政策15

5.3  政府积极参与碳金融市场15

5.4  搭建完善的碳交易平台16

5.5  拓宽碳金融资本流通渠道16

结论 17

致谢 18 

参考文献19 国外碳金融市场的发展及对中国的启示:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_76715.html
