关键词 轻型 卡宾枪 大容弹量 机动性 火力
Title The design and analysis of light-weight carbine with large capacity
Compared to the rifle, carbine has the advantages of short length and light-weight, convenience of carriage and operation. Therefore, carbine has been paid much attention all over the world by armies, especially by the special operation forces (SOF). Recently, with the sudden change of war forms and the ever increasingly gravity of anti-terrorism, the more high requirements of the carbines are proposed by SOF: greater power, better firepower sustainability, convenient operation. By studying the light-weight carbine with large capacity, the design requirement of light-weight and large capacity is expected to achieved so as to provide the technical basis for the development of new carbines. Compared to the conventional weapons, The light-weight carbine with large capacity to be designed has lighter weight, more compact structure, can fire 30-rd magazine or 100-rd drum. Therefore, it has larger capacity and longer firepower sustainability. The overall scheme design of the designed carbine was conducted and the structure designs of its main mechanisms and parts were completed. The 3-D modeling and part 2-D engineerings of the designs were carried out. And the necessary analyses and calculations were also conducted.
Keywords light-weight carbine large capacity maneuverability firepower
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本文研究内容 2
2 总体方案设计 3
2.1 战术技术指标分析 3
2.2 总体方案拟定设计说明 4
3 主要部件设计 6
3.1 枪管设计 6
3.2 闭锁机构设计 13
3.3 供弹机构设计 18
3.4 退壳机构设计 21
3.5 击发机构设计 24
3.6 发射机构设计 27
结论 32
致谢 34
参考文献 35
1 引言
1.1 研究背景
卡宾枪与冲锋枪发射不同的弹药,两者既有共同特点,也有显著区别。卡宾枪与冲锋枪相同之处为:短而轻,机动性好。两者相比主要区别在于:冲锋枪火力密集,但由于发射手枪弹,威力较小,射程较近;卡宾枪属于步枪类,发射步枪弹,与使用手枪弹的冲锋枪不同,在威力和射程上优于冲锋枪[2]。 轻型大容量卡宾枪设计与分析:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_13637.html