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时间:2018-04-20 21:31来源:毕业论文

关键字: 环形加热炉;热平衡;管道系统;排烟系统
The Design of 120 Round Annular Furnace
Abstract: Annular furnace is a kind of rotary hearth furnace, it relies on the rotation of the bottom of the furnace, and it’s body is fixed, make the material stock placed on the bottom of annular furnace as the bottom out of feeding mouth to mouth, and in turn after preheating section, heating zone, soaking zone, complete all the heating process. The stove use the way of side feed and side discharge and heat with side burner. This design is mainly aimed at 13 meters in diameter size of annular furnace, fuel, pipeline system and smoke exhaust system design, including the calculation of fuel combustion and billet heating time, the determination of the basic size of the stove, the calculation of heat balance, the determination of fuel consumption, the calculation of pipeline system and smoke exhaust system. The furnace is pided into three, respectively preheating section, heating and soaking. This design adopts the producer gas as the main fuel of annular furnace. In the design of the exhaust system, the main task is the calculation of chimney flue resistance. In the design of the pipe system, the main task is the size determination of gas pipe and air pipe and calculation of the resistance.
Keywords:  annular furnace; heat balance; pipeline system; smoke exhaust system
Abstract••i目录 ••ii
1引言    1
2设计目的及基本条件    2
2.1 加热炉炉型的选择    2
2.2 设计的主要内容    2
2.3 设计的基本条件    3
2.3.1 炉型及数量    3
2.3.2 加热料坯的种类及规格    3
2.3.3 钢坯加热要求    3
2.3.4 环形炉生产能力    3
2.3.5 装出料方式    3
2.3.6 燃料燃烧条件    3
2.4 环形炉特点及设计技术特点    3
2.4.1 热工及施工特点    3
2.4.2 环形炉设计技术特点    4
3工艺流程简介    6
4环形炉本体工艺与结构说明    7
4.1 炉内隔墙    7
4.2 炉门及窥视孔    8
4.2.1 炉门    8
4.2.2 窥视孔    8
4.3 排渣系统    8
4.3.1 炉底自动清排渣系统    8
4.3.2 水封槽清渣    9
4.4 砌体结构    9
4.4.1 内外环墙    9
4.4.2 炉顶结构    10
4.4.3 炉底结构    10
5管道系统    11
5.1 煤气管道设计    11
5.1.1 设计范围    11
5.1.2 设计要点    11
5.1.3 设计布置    12
5.2 空气管道设计    12 120圆钢环形加热炉设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_13763.html