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时间:2018-06-03 22:08来源:毕业论文

The design of hydraulic pulp rotor assembly
Abstract: Hydraulic pulping equipment is one of the most commonly used pulp and paper industry, the main crushing pulp, used books, used cardboard boxes. From a structural form can be pided into vertical and horizontal hydraulic pulp.
  This paper designs hydraulic pulp rotor assembly. In the design, first introduced the working principle and classification of the hydraulic pulp, analyzed advantages and disadvantages of various types of hydraulic pulp, demonstrated the structural design program for rotor assembly components, and then designed all components. Secondly, the paper designed the hydraulic pulp and the rotor shafts of the structure and design the hydraulic pulp rotor assembly of the main structure and other components, and by the use of the expertise to carry out the design of the assembly, the focus one axis of the strength of the rotor assembly, the rotor assembly tightness, and the stability of a series of analysis, design and calculation.
The hydraulic pulp is the machine tool that can break the paper to pulp. Therefore, the hydraulic pulp is very important for the paper industry.
Key words: rotor; trough; tightness; bearing

1.1 课题背景.1
1.2 课题的目的和意义..2
2 水力碎浆机的工作原理及主要结构...4
2.1 水力碎浆机工作原理..4
2.2 水力碎浆机的分类 4
2.3 水力碎浆机的主要结构 5
2.4 提高水力碎浆机效率的措施. 6
3 方案论证.. 6
3.1 水力碎浆机转子结构的方案确定..... 6
3.2 转子装置结构设计..... 7
3.3 槽体结构方案论证. 7
3.4 密封装置结构方案论证. 8
3.5 轴承的选择.10
3.6 主轴的材料选择.10
3.7 皮带轮的选择.11
   3.7.1 带轮的选择11
   3.7.2 皮带的选择12
4 主要零部件设计计算..13
4.1 主轴转速的选定计算.........13
4.2 皮带轮的设计计算.14
   4.2.1 带轮的选定计算14
4.2.2  V带的设计计算..15
4.3 主轴的计算.....17
4.3.1扭矩强度计算 ...17
4.3.2弯扭合成的强度校核计算 ...18
4.4 轴承的校核.21
4.5 键的设计与校核.22
5 传动装置..23
5.1 电动机选择.....23
5.2 机架.25
6 辅助装置设计..25
6.1 接管结构的设计.....25
6.1.1 底部出料管结 25
6.1.2 注水管管接头结构 ....26
6.1.3 反冲水结构设计 ....26
6.2 筛板结构设计.... 27
6.3 支座设计 ...28
总结..... 29
致谢..... 30 参考资料..31
1 引言
1.1 课题的背景
水力碎浆机是造纸生产过程中,特别是纸板及再生脱墨造纸广泛采用的机械设备,现有水力碎浆机都采用从槽体底部伸入槽体内的结构,使用水力碎浆机碎解废纸,与打浆机、碾磨机等比较,主要有下列优点: 1对纸浆有疏解作用,而没有切断作用。2缩短碎解时间,电力消耗少。3装置简单、造价低,文护检修方便。4需要劳动力少,并可实现机械化和自动化。 水力碎浆机的设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_16967.html