Design of the transmission system for 1250 rolling mill
At present, with high speed development of national economy, iron and steel industry also has rapid development. The application of strip steel becomes more widespread, for example: Workshop equipment, mechanical device, bridge, highway and so on.
The design is based on the requirement of rolling mill, thus the motor is selected, and then the main dimensions could be determined ,the strength of which were checked. A primary structure is adopted only the strength checking is qualified. otherwise,modifying the structure, which obeys the basic mechanical design theory. Firstly, according to the requirements of the rolling mill, the rolling force is calculated, as well as the rolling torque. The main motor is selected afterwards. Then, the reducer is designed.
In this paper, the overall design scheme is selected after comparision, and the transmission system may be more reasonable based on the calculation.
Key words: framework ,rolling force , transmission system, reducer
1250轧机传动装置毕业设计 1
Abstract 2
1 绪论 1
1.1简介 1
1.2选题背景和意义 1
1.3热轧的原理 2
1.4热轧的工序 2
1.5课题研究方法及内容 3
2 总体方案设计 4
2.1方案初步拟定 .4
2.2方案的比较与确定 ..4
3 主电机容量的选择 7
3.1轧制力的计算 7
3.1.1基本数据的确定 7
3.1.2 轧制力计算 7
3.2 轧制力矩的计算 12
3.3 选择主电机 15
3.3.1 选择电动机功率的基本方法 15
3.3.2 轧机电动机功率计算 15
3.3.3 电动机类型的确定 16
4 减速机设计 18
结论 36
致谢 37
参考文献 38
1 绪论
实现金属轧制过程的设备。泛指完成轧材生产全过程的装备,包括有主要设备、辅助设备、起重运输设备和附属设备等。但一般所说的轧机往往仅指主要设备。据说在14世纪欧洲就有轧机,但有记载的是1480年意大利人达•芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)设计出轧机的草图。1553年法国人布律列尔(Brulier)轧制出金和银板材,用以制造钱币。此后在西班牙、比利时和英国相继出现轧机。图1为1728年英国设计的生产圆棒材用的轧机。英国于1766年有了串列式小型轧机,19世纪中叶,第一台可逆式板材轧机在英国投产,并轧出了船用铁板。1848年德国发明了万能式轧机,1853年美国开始用三辊式的型材轧机(图2),并用蒸汽机传动的升降台实现机械化。接着美国出现了劳特式轧机。1859年建造了第一台连轧机。万能式型材轧机是在1872年出现的;20世纪初制成半连续式带钢轧机,由两架三辊粗轧机和五架四辊精轧机组成。 1250轧机传动装置设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_17436.html