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时间:2018-07-11 11:08来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:高速数控铣床 结构设计 夹具设计
Title     High-speed trimming machine of the heat radiator                
Radiator was flash-based artificial polish resulting in time-consuming and labor-intensive, low productivity enterprises.In view of this situation,This topic has designed a high-speed trimming machine of the heat radiator which can fast millthe heat radiator flash, save time and effort.The topic for the processing enterprise entrusts study design of the overall structure of the machine and special fixtures Including overall machine design, design and checking of the main components, machine power system design, component design special fixtures.In the process,Throughout the establishment of a three-dimensional model of the machine tool and assembly debugging,Found defects and deficiencies in design.
In this design, machine is designed with the modular design.In the meet the processing requirements of the situation, Try to use standardized components to reduce costs and ease of manufacturing.Therefore, this project special machine design has considerable practical value.
Keywords:  High-speed CNC milling machine   Structural Design    Fixture Design
目   次
1 绪论    1
1.1引言    1
1.2高速加工的国内外现状及发展趋势    2
1.3本论文的研究背景及研究任务    2
2 加工零件的工艺分析及机床的整体结构设计    3
2.1加工零件的工艺分析    3
2.2高速修边机总体结构设计    3
2.3机床结构主要参数    4
3 驱动元件的设计选择    9
3.1电主轴的选型    9
3.2气动元件选型    10
4 十字工作台设计    12
4.1十字工作台总体结构方案    12
4.2关键部件的标准件选型    13
5机床床身设计    25
5.1选择床身结构    25
5.2床身材料选择    25
5.3立柱结构的选择    25
5.4立柱材料的选择    25
6 专用铣床夹具设计    27
6.1夹具设计的基本要求    27
6.2夹具设计方案    27
7 总结    30
致  谢    31
1 绪论
     机械制造业是世界发展的基础产业,制造业的发展促进了人类科技与文明的发展。现如今,现代化的机床,夹具,量具和其它配套辅助设备组成的高度自动化,智能化的流水线代替传统的加工方式。而本世纪的机械加工主要凸显以下四个方面:柔性化,敏捷化,智能化和信息化[1]。它对现代机械提出了新的要求,即生产设备与工艺设计能迅速适应新产品的要求,能使产品快速推向市场,与此同时,解放工人繁重的体力劳作使他们有时间进行高层次创造性劳动。 暖气散热片高速修边机设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_19486.html