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时间:2019-08-04 16:58来源:毕业论文

The design of wind turbine impeller - hub - Tower System
  In recent years, the energy crisis and environmental pollution is getting worse,Wind power as a pollution-free, clean and renewable energy has been widespread attention,The world is also increasingly concerned about the importance of wind energy, the corresponding input has been increased,Wind power technology is becoming more and more advanced.
  This paper describes the composition structure 1.5MW large horizontal axis wind turbine,Wind turbines is wind energy into electrical energy,Mainly by the wind turbine, nacelle, tower and foundation composition.Thesis on the key components of the rotor, nacelle and tower and other fans to do a detailed analysis,for wind turbines in various states force analysis,By calculating the bending strength of the tower to be checked.
  The key part of wind turbines is analyzed by finite element analysis and three-dimensional.
Keyword: wind turbine;dynamics analysis;three-dimensional modeling;finite element analysis

目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1风能利用及风能发电历史    1
1.2本课题研究的意义和主要内容    3
1.2.1课题研究的意义    3
1.2.2主要设计内容    4
第2章 风力发电机的结构    5
2.1风电机组的基本结构、性能和类型    5
2.2风轮参数确定    7
2.2.1叶片    7
2.2.2轮毂选定    10
2.2.3变桨机构    11
2.3风电机组传动系统    12
2.3.1风轮主轴    12
2.3.2齿轮箱    15
2.4机舱、塔架与地基    16
2.4.1机舱    16
2.4.2塔架    18
2.4.3基础    20
第3章 风力发电机叶轮-轮毂-塔架动力学分析    22
3.1风力发电机在静止状态下受力分析    22
3.2随机角度A和随机风速v的动力特性分析    23
3.3 风力发电机在最大允许风速下受力分析    24
3.4抗最大风速工况下动力分析    25
第4章 风力发电机关键部件有限元分析    27
4.1有限元法简介    27
4.2轮毂的模态分析    27
4.3 塔架的模态分析    30
第5章 结论和展望    33
5.1 结论    33
5.2展望    33
后记    34
参考文献    35
第1章 绪论
能源从人类的出现就一直伴随着,没有能源的话,近几十年来,人类的大规模开采化石能源,可开发的能源越来越少。目前,化石能源(天然气、石油、煤)是人类社会的主要能源,化石能源都是不可再生的能源。能源的积累是十分漫长的过程,化石能源都是经过亿万年的沉淀才形成的,不过能源危机已经十分严重。另外,人毫无限制的燃烧化石能源,产生了大量的污染物,导致了温室效应,以至于全球性能源危机加剧和环境污染日趋严重。 风力发电机组叶轮-轮毂-塔架系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_36960.html