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时间:2017-03-21 21:52来源:毕业论文

关键字  PVDF膜  传感器设计  电荷放大器  对比  弹丸撞击
Title  Design of dynamic force measurement sensor basing on     PVDF film                                                                                          
The Recoil in the launch of the weapon system and the impact force of projectile impact Target are important parameters which need to measuring in the development process of weapon system.This paper studied The piezoelectric effect, piezoelectric equations and the operating mode of the PVDF piezoelectric films of polymer materials,analyzed the forces of the PVDF membrane under the clamping structure,discussed some sensor packaging methods.Using of mounting bolts,I designed a dynamic force measurement sensors based on PVDF films.I designed the PVDF film piezoelectric sensor measurement circuit for this designing.I designed the  RC filter and the charge amplifier based on LF356n integrated operational,
which could achieve the charge amplification through the feedback capacitors.I set up the sensor experimental system and conducted the contrast experiments and projectile impact experiments.The experimental results showed that this sensor could be used for dynamic force measurement.
Keywords  PVDF films   Design of sensor   Charge amplifier   Contrast    Projectile impact   
目   次    7
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究的背景与意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1 PVDF压电薄膜的特性研究    2
1.2.2 PVDF压电传感器的结构研究    2
1.2.3 PVDF膜的应用研究    3
1.3 本课题的主要工作    3
2 传感器设计    4
2.1 PVDF膜特点    4
2.2 PVDF膜的的工作原理    5
2.2.1 压电效应    5
2.2.2 压电方程    6
2.2.3 PVDF膜的工作模式    7
2.3 传感器结构受力分析    7
2.4 结构设计    10
2.5 传感器封装    11
3 测量电路设计    12
3.1 PVDF膜的电路模型    12
3.2 滤波电路设计    14
3.3 电荷放大电路设计    15
4 性能测试与分析    16
4.1对比试验    16
4.2 弹丸撞击实验    19
结    论    22
致    谢    23 基于PVDF膜的动态力测量传感器设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_4395.html