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时间:2020-01-05 21:04来源:毕业论文




Combination machine is a toll according to workpiece machining needs with a large number of common parts for the foundation and a small number of dedicated components of special machine. My issue designing for the combined machine tool is used for motorcycle engine shell of three side holes to improve production efficiency and reduce processing costs. The system and the headstock design are included in the design content. First using single station three drill hole modular machine tool which conside such factors as tool、cutting parameters、cutting force、cutting torque and cutting power and selected by calculating the diameter of spindle、overhang、 connecting rod type、table、the power box and other general parts is the overall design, then determine the dynamic components of the work cycle and the working stroke and complete the machine tool design. Second drawing the spindle box design; determining the spindle structure and the module of gear shaft; completing power calculation and the design of transmission system of spindle box; drawing assembly drawings and parts of the supplementary processing map based on the original plan is the headstock design. The combined machine tool which improves the work efficiency has achieved the design requirements can not only guarantee the machining accuracy of the machine tool but also the layout is reasonable、the clamping is reliable、the precision is higher、operating convenient.

Key words: Motorcycle engine shell;Modular machine tool;Headstock


第一章 前言 1

1.1组合机床设计概况 1

1.2组合机床设计思路 1

1.3组合机床发展方向 1

1.4组合机床在国内外的发展状况 2

第二章 组合机床总体设计 3

2.1总体方案论证 3

2.1.1加工对象工艺性的分析: 3

2.1.2机床总体布局的确定: 3

2.1.3定位基准的选择: 4

2.1.4滑台型式的选择: 5

2.2切削用量的确定及刀具选择 6

2.2.1切削用量的选择: 6

2.2.2切削力、切削扭矩及切削功率的计算: 7

2.3组合机床总体设计—“三图” 9

2.3.1被加工零件工序图 摩托车发动机外壳加工专用机床设计:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_44605.html
