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时间:2020-03-11 10:23来源:毕业论文

Now, treatment, care situation is more serious burn patients is still a big problem.In order to ease the suffering of the patients, now usually use radiant heat to burn the bed stand.The relative advantages of the bed stand bed is now the overall security is good, strong, stable, and easy to use and very flexible.
Radiant heat burns stryker patient will be fixed by the bed side, on the bed surface can manually flip, patient in bed can flip the bed 360, the bed can also be tilted by the rear body.
In this thesis, the overall structure of the thermal radiation burns bed, as well as stand structure and associated adjustment mechanism design,And institutions for the design verification, including design parameter validation, verification and other sports organizations.So I first need to know hot bed working principle and structure of her bed composition, clear its main parameters, stress analysis of the institutions, the motion analysis and stability analysis, the conclusion that the relevant reports.
Keywords: burns stryker, structural design, parameter validation
 目   录
第一章  引言    1
    1.1研究目的和要求    1
    1.2 研究的背景    1
1.3翻身床的发展    2
1.4 论证方案    4
第二章  烧伤医疗翻身床的介绍    5
2.1床体的结构组成    5
2.2热辐射体的机构组成    5
2.3烧伤医疗翻身床的设计的关键技术    6
2.5烧伤医疗翻身床的使用性能指标    7
2.6烫伤翻身床的研制与应用    7
第三章  烧伤医疗翻身床设计验证计算    8
3.1 床面运动与受力分析    8
3.1.1床面支撑受力分析    8
3.1.2 床面翻转受力分析    9
3.2活动床身运动与受力分析    10
3.2.1支撑受力分析    10
3.3.床身的稳定性分析    16
3.3.1床身放置或移动时的最大横向倾斜角度的分析    16
3.3.2床身最大横向倾斜角度时的稳定性分析    17
第四章  产品机构设计    18
4.1床面升降摇柄机构    18
4.2翻转机构    18
4.3固定床身    19
结束语    20
致  谢    21
参考文献    22
第一章  引言
  烫伤翻身床是用于烫伤病人在进行疮面热辐射医疗时候的设备,烫伤床的设计是会对烧伤烫伤的病人的护理有着巨大的意义,为了确保在护理的过程中能使伤员更加舒适,因此床的设计必须更加安全和完善,稳定。 烧伤辅助医疗产品数字化设计+EXB图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_48096.html