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时间:2020-05-23 15:52来源:毕业论文





Abstract Layout of the road cone robot is capable of intelligent robot that applies a variety of occasions, Through the own two single chip SCM establish communication to control the car and manipulator respectively to achieve the operation of the car and the layout road cones work of  the manipulator  . Thus able to solve some practical problems.

The car uses a SCM to control the system, it can track the car with the mechanical hand to complete the task of the cloth cone. Car tracking function under the experimental environment mainly rely on infrared sensors to finish. And three steering gear control of the manipulator also complete road cones to grab, placed action. This topic that need to finally be able to make the car and the manipulator coordinate action. Therefore, communication between the SCM is essential.

Based on actual demand, choosing two SCM asynchronous communication. SCM to control the car as the master, then SCM to control the manipulator as the slave.         Therefore, using the master-slave dual-machine communication. But just the two SCM can not communicate directly. The communication needs handshake signal between the microcontroller can be achieved. Set of handshake signal and communications is the key point in this paper

Keywords:  Infrared sensor; Intelligent robot; Single-chip microcomputer


第一章  绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 课题研究意义 1

1.3 国外研究现状 2

1.4 国内研究现状 3

1.5 本文主要内容 5

第2章 单片机控制的各个模块 6

2.1 小车的总体介绍 6

2.2 小车本体设计 6

2.2.1 中央处理单元简介 6

2.2.2 单片机控制的电源模块 8

2.2.3 单片机控制的驱动模块 8

2.2.4 单片机控制的循迹模块 9

2.2.5 机械手的控制 11

2.3 两个单片机间的协调控制 13

2.3.1 单片机通信基础 13

2.3.2 单向并行通信接口的实现 15

2.3.3 主从并行通信接口的实现 15

2.3.4 无主从双向并行通信接口的实现 17

第3章 软硬件的开发环境 双MCU在布锥机器人控制系统中的应用研究+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_52466.html
