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时间:2020-12-09 20:49来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  质量、质心、偏心距、转动惯量、台架、测量系统、强度校核


Title     Research of rockets quality characteristics   test board design approach               


Rockets quality characteristics parameters includes the mass,centre of mass,partiality distangce and moment of inertia . Accurate measurement of these parameters have important significance.At present,rockets quality characteristics measurement theory is quite mature,also the measuring equipment is various .However, lots of equipments only have a single test function.Only using different devices could it work out. According to the research needs,this paper gives a design scheme for rockets quality characteristics test system.This system includes the mechanical test board and the measurement system.This article focuses on the mechanical test board,and gives a strength check in the key position,and has a simple introduction on measurement system.In the end,the paper has completed the design of quality test board.

Keywords   quality , center of mass , eccentric diatance , moment of inertia,  

           mechanical test board , measurement system , intensity check .

1  绪论 1

1.1  研究背景及意义 1

1.2  国内外研究现状 1

1.3  本篇概要 2

2  质量特性参数测量系统设计 3

2.1 火箭弹质量特性测量原理 3

2.1.1质量和质心测量原理 3

2.1.2 偏心距测量原理 7

2.1.3 转动惯量测量原理 9

2.2 火箭弹质量特性测量台设计要求 13

2.2.1 质量质心偏心距测量台设计要求 13

2.2.2 转动惯量测量台设计要求 14

3  质量特性综合测量台一体化设计 14

3.1质量特性测量台 15

3.1.1 质心、偏心距结构原理异同分析 15

3.1.2 综合结构 16

3.1.3 转动惯量测量台 17

3.2 质量特性综合测量台 20

3.2.1 结构异同点分析 20

3.2.2 兼容方案 21

3.2.3 干涉检查及注意事项 28

3.2.4 传感器选用 28

4  结构尺寸与强度校核 30
