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时间:2017-05-17 21:38来源:毕业论文

关键词  悬架;弹性元件;导向机构;减振器
Title    vehicle suspension design   
In the vehicle engineering,the suspension system is the key component to improve the riding comfort and handling stability.This article is mainly about to introduce basic construction and function of suspension. and study the method of designing a light truck’s front and back suspension.
In this design, we use McPherson type front suspension,Back suspension’s steel spings.and then, we choose the suspension’s property parameters. After these basic parameters were chosen, we comes on to calculate the spring of the suspension,(spiral spring in front suspension, leaf spring in back suspension),and the calculation including checking both the springs` striffness and strength, as to make the spring designed to meet the demand of frequency. And next comes to design the control bars of the front independent suspension, it contains to design the roll center height an trim center height and the locations of the main controlbar.Then,we design shock absorbers to match with the front and the back suspension, including calculate the size of the absorbers and also check the absorbers to see if it meets the demand of strength. Lastly, in order to meet the property demands of car’s under steer speciality, it designs a anti-roll bar to improve the front suspension’s roll angular rigidity.
Keywords  suspension;spring;control bars;shock absorbers
目 录
1 绪论    1
1.1汽车悬架概述    1
1.2国内外悬架技术的现状及发展趋势    2
2 汽车悬架概述    5
2.1悬架的组成    5
2.2 悬架的种类和工作原理    8
2.3悬架设计的性能要求    9
2.4悬架设计目标参数的选择    10
2.5前后悬架方案的选择    11
3 悬架弹性元件的设计计算    13
3.1悬架主要参数的确定    13
3.2 弹性元件的计算    21
4 悬架其他部件的设计计算    38
4.1独立悬架导向机构的设计    38
4.2减振器的设计    44
4.3 横向稳定杆的设计    48
结  论    50
致  谢    51
参 考 文 献    52
附  录    53
1 绪论
    随着世界汽车工业的不断壮大,汽车工业在世界经济发展中的地位越来越突出,逐渐成为各主要汽车生产国的支柱产业,并对世界经济的发展和社会的进步产生巨大的作用和深远的影响。汽车是当前世界上最主要的交通工具之一,在将来它仍然是世界上的主要交通工具,任何别的交通工具都不可能完全把汽车取代。我国汽车工业引进技术及其国产化进程的实际成就,标志着我国汽车工业己经完成历史性的转变,奔向了中国汽车工业的起飞阶段。 轻型货车汽车前后悬架的设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_7237.html