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时间:2017-05-17 21:35来源:毕业论文

1.    进行二自由度提升装置的结构设计,用Solidworks软件对二自由度提升装置进行三文实体模型的建立。
2.    建立简化理论动力学模型,在仿真软件ADAMS中建立二自由度提升装置的动力学模型,使用ADAMS虚拟样机软件对其进行动力学仿真。
3.    将简化理论动力学模型推导出相应动力学微分方程式,并通过C语言编程,用龙格库塔法解微分方程组,将得到的结果与ADAMS软件动力学仿真的结果进行比较。
关键词  二自由度  Solidworks建模  ADAMS  动力学仿真  C语言编程

Title   The design of a two-degree-of-freedom lifting mechanism                              
Automated ammunition loading system is an essential assembly for modern large caliber artillery. This paper studies a two-degree-of-freedom lifting device, which is the main sub-assembly of an advanced automated ammunition loading system . The usage of this lifting device in automated ammunition loading system is discussed. According to the given  performance parameters and technical specifications, the overall system design is completed, these design works include chain transmission design, guideway design, and the rotary mechanism design, a dynamic simulation based on ADAMS package is also carried out.
The principal works completed by this paper include:
1. The 3-D structure of the two-degree-of-freedom lifting mechanism is designed by using Solidworks software, at the same time the three-dimensional solid modeling is built.
2. The simplified virtual prototyping model of the lifting device is created in ADAMS software, and the dynamic simulation is carried out.
3.A simplified dynamic model for the lifting device is derived, and the kinetic differential equations are obtained via the second Lagriange equantion. The equations are solved by Program C language with Runge-Kutta method, then the results are compared with the ADAMS software dynamic simulation’s results.
Keywords   Two-degree-of-freedom Solidworks modeling ADAMS
Dynamics simulation   C language programming
目   次

1 绪论    1
1.1 课题国内外发展研究现状    1
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义    2
1.3 课题研究的主要内容    2
2 二自由度提升装置系统设计    4
2.1 采用Solidworks软件建立二自由度提升装置系统的三文零件模型    4
2.2 采用Solidworks软件建立二自由度提升装置系统的三文装配模型    6
2.3 三文实体模型的检验    7
3 电机功率估算和选取    8
3.1 直线运动所需功率的估算    8
3.2 旋转运动所需功率的估算    9
4 动力学建模及软件仿真    11
4.1 多体系统动力学建模与求解一般过程    11
4.2 多体系统数学建模理论及计算方法    12
4.3 机械系统动力学建模    14
4.4 多刚体系统动力学的基础理论    15
4.5 二自由度提升装置系统的动力学模型建立    21 二自由度提升装置的设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_7235.html