摘要为解决快递人员及中老年人在搬运大型重物时不便的问题,对专门用于快递人员及 中老年人的爬楼运载装置进行归纳分析总结,设计出一款专门帮助快递人员和中老年人运 输大型货物的爬楼运载装置。70119
通过查阅相关文献,对比市面上已存在爬楼运载装置的优缺点,最终选择轮履结合 的方式作为便携式自动助力小车的爬楼及平地行走的机构。针对小车所需实现的功能, 选择直流无刷电机作为小车动力源。完成小车相关部件的结构及尺寸的设计,并完成小 车整体的三维建模。应用有限元分析软件,对小车在上下楼、平地行走及把手转动处的 销轴等关键零部件进行强度校核。针对直流电机的相关参数,选择与之相匹配的直流电 机驱动器及电源,并根据小车需要实现的功能完成小车控制系统电路的硬件设计及软件 设计。
所设计的便携式自动助力小车结构比较实用,且重量适中,体现了轻量性及便携性 设计的特点,为进一步改进提高小车的性能打下了良好基础。
毕业论文关键字: 结构设计 轮履结合 爬楼机构 有限元分析
毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要
Title: The design of a portable automatic effort-saving vehicle
To solve problem of courier and elderly people in handling large weight inconvenience, analyzed and summarized the climbing stair mechanism for express staff and the elderly, a climbing mechanism which can climb stair was designed to assist the elderly and courier to transport large cargo.
Through consulting relevant literature and analyzing the existed climbing stairs vehicles on the advantages and disadvantages, and the way of wheel-track coupling as a portable effort-saving vehicle which can climb stairs and move on the flat ground is chosen ultimately. To consider the function of the vehicle, the brushless DC motor is selected as the power source of the vehicle. The structure and size of the relevant parts of the whole vehicle is determined, and the three-dimensional modeling of the whole vehicle is build. The finite element software is been used to check the strength of the key parts, such as the handle rotation of the pin and so on when climbing stair and walking on the ground. In view of the relevant parameters of the DC motor, the DC motor driver and the power supply is selected, and the hardware and software of the control system is designed according to the function of the vehicle.
The designed portable effort-saving vehicle’s structure is practical with a moderate weight, which embodies the characteristics of lightweight and portable design and lays a good foundation for further improvement in the performance of proposed vehicle.
Keywords Structural design Wheel-tracked Stairs climbing Finite element analysis
本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.3 课题研究主要内容及工作安排 5
2 主体方案的设计及主要参数的确定 6
2.1 主要机构的选型 6
2.2 主要结构设计方案的的确定 轮履结合便携式自动助力小车设计有限元分析:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_79287.html