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时间:2021-08-01 21:47来源:毕业论文




Design of CA6140 Spindle and Spindle Parts

Abstract:CA6140 spindle components from the spindle, the spindle support and installed in the spindle on the transmission parts, seals and other components. The  accuracy motion and rigidity are structural of the components spindle important factors in processing determining the quality and cutting efficiency. By faunction unederstanding spingdle the strurcture and spindle of the CA6140 designed leathe spingdle and comerponents, the spindle and components are to improve the performance of the spindleComponents.

As the design mainly main deisign tole,the CA6140 maichinte is turning deisign systiem the in maichining spindle industry tool, this is for the CA6140 main machine, maiine is mainily the paraimeters of the maichine to detiermine the drilve used of the widely proigram and the transmission of the diagram of the preparation of some of the major parts are also related to the calculation and checking, the use of software three-dimensional design drawing for paper a lot of progress parts introduces and the contents, processing. CA6140 machine tools as China's main tuirniny the prociessingg maichine, have be widily used in the prececsing of maichinery industry. This article first the metal cutting machine tool in the research situation inside and outside China, and the gap between the development at home and abroad. T Finally, ideas, main methods and of the research of this are also elaborated. 

Key words: CA6140; spainddle box; mieatall it cuting maechine tole.


1 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外发展 1

1.3 调研及存在问题 2

1.4 研究思路 3

2 CA6140主轴及主轴部件设计整体方案 3

2.1 CA6140机床主要的技术参数 3

2.2 传动方案和传动系统图的拟定 4

3 CA6140机床重要零件的计算和验算 8

3.1 机床主轴箱的箱体 8

3.2.1 普通V带传动的计算 9

3.2.2 多片式摩擦离合器的计算 11

3.2.3 齿轮的验算 12

3.2.4 传动轴的验算 14

3.2.5 轴承疲劳强度的校核 16

3.3 传动系统的Ⅱ轴及轴上零件设计 CA6140主轴及主轴部件设计+CAD图纸:http://www.751com.cn/jixie/lunwen_79385.html
