[11] 陈思和:《最时髦的富有是空空荡荡》,王安忆等著《月月小说》(第一卷),广西师范大学出版社2004年版,第180页。
[13]陈瑞琳.冷静的忧伤——从严歌苓的创作看海外新移民文学特质. 《华文文学》【J】,2003(5)
毕 业 论 文(设 计)开 题 报 告
In the introduction part, I will come up with the female images and feminism and then introduce the works of Yan Geling and her unique writing style. By analyzing her female images can I point out three of them: Wang Putao, Siao Yu and Duo He. The main body will be weitten in three parts which relatively introduce three different kinds of female images, including rural women image, after-war women image and immigrant women image. Finally, the last section will conclude the meaning of analyzing these women image. 严歌苓小说英文开题报告(2):http://www.751com.cn/kaiti/lunwen_46530.html