Analysis of the current situation of disclosure of listing Corporation R & D expenses
Abstract:With the development of science and technology more and more progress, the development of China's enterprises need to increase investment in research and development costs and improve output efficiency of R & D expenses, research and development costs on corporate disclosure of information has become increasingly round, increasingly important. So far, the disclosure of research and development costs, there are still many problems. This paper analyzes the current situation and the causes of the disclosure of listed companies research and development costs, and focus to Team sun two listed companies2010-2012DigitalR & D expenses as a case study research concerns the development of listed companies as well as research and development expenses related to the intensity of accounts .By contrast, the analysis of data related to the relationship between R & D expenses, in accordance with the conclusions given in the relevant issues, and provide advice and recommendations as well as optimizing channels.
KeyWords:R & D expenses;listed Companies ;intangible assets;high technology
目 录
(二)研究背景及研究意义 1
二、我国企业研发费用披露现状及其形成原因 3
三、华胜天成和神州数码研发费用披露案例分析 4
1、 研发费用概况 6
2、 营业收入与研发费用 7
3、 无形资产、开发支出与研发费用 8
4、 管理费用与研发费用 8
1、企业规模与研发投入 9
2、资产负债率与研发投入 9
四、结论与建议 12
致谢 15
参考文献 16
随着时代的发展,科学技术的越来越进步,中国企业的发展变化速度也是越来越快,无论是现代服务业还是先进制造业的发展,都离不开依托科学进步进行增长的途径,需要加大在研发费用上的投入和提高研发费用的产出效率,企业关于研发费用的信息披露也变得越来越全面,越来越重要。但是由于普遍因素的影响导致研发费用的信息披露不完整,不具体,从而影响了信息使用者根据每年研发强度的变化趋势信息,预测和评价企业经营业绩,以做出正确的决策。同时,也影响了企业的绩效,资本市场股价。目前我国由于新会计准则在2006年的时候才开始实行,我国研究者对研发费用的探究缺少数据,由于研发费用的成果需要一定的时间,因此只有长时间的数据研究才可以揭示我国上市公司的发展状况,给予投资者正确的会计信息以投资促进企业的发展。 上市公司研发费用披露现状分析:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_13928.html