毕业论文关键词:房地产行业 纳税筹划 土地增值税 企业所得税 营业税
Real Estate Company Tax Planning Research Questions
Abstract: With the introduction of a series of national policies for the real estate industry, real estate industry, the situation even more difficult. The real estate industry accounted for the country's total tax revenue increasing proportion of its revenue growth significantly faster than the growth rate of the country's total tax revenue. Real estate companies increased tax burden, the tax burden has severely hampered the development of a part of the real estate company. Real estate companies have begun to face the tax burden on business activities through legitimate arrangements to reduce the tax burden. The implementation of tax planning to reduce the tax burden for the real estate company, has provided an opportunity to improve economic efficiency. This paper describes the status of the real estate industry, tax levels and tax planning necessity; then on the real estate industry on how to carry out tax planning around the land tax, corporate income tax, business tax planning methods and strategies were discussed; and finally with case illustrates the concrete application of the above methods and strategies.
Keywords: Real estate industry Tax Planning LAT Corporate Income Tax Business tax
目 录
(一) 选题背景与意义1
(二) 研究内容2
(一) 房地产行业政策发展变迁3
(二) 房地产市场现状4
(三) 房地产公司纳税筹划的必要性6
(一) 房地产行业税负总体情况7
(二) 房地产行业税负分析9
(一) 土地增值税筹划11
(二) 企业所得税筹划13
(三) 营业税筹划15
(四) 案例分析16
早在2004年,政府就对房地产行业的政策进行了相关的调整:提高拿地门槛抑制房地产市场的盲目开发;上调了存贷款利率抑制房地产市场的盲目投资,将对房地产的潜在投资资金吸引到存款和其他方面上;2005年更是取消房贷优惠政策,降低了客户对房地产的追捧,并深入改革房地产税、出台国八条等6项政策;2006年又有11项政策,增加了对房地产进行调控的可操作性;2007年从金融层面对房地产市场进行抑制,通过了8项政策和5次加息;2008年又通过了 16项针对房地产行业的政策;2009年又出台《土地增值税清算管理规程》等政策法规;2010年“国十一条”;2011年新“国八条”;2012年住房信息系统联网;2013年又通过政策调整增加对普通商品住房的规划建设等。 房地产公司纳税筹划问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_21136.html