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时间:2021-05-04 12:56来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the unceasing change of economic environment and technology condition, our country issued a series of policies to make asset impairment policy more mature. More and more enterprises through earnings management to increase the information content of accounting surplus, the surplus information can reflect the economic value of a company, to ensure that the enterprise's financial position and operating results more reliable. This article from the definition of fixed assets impairment, further understand the cause of the fixed asset impairment. Fixed asset impairment and ideas through the enterprise in different years for comparison of the impact of earnings management to resolve the relationship between fixed asset impairment and earnings management. With HUAYANG company examples to analyze the fixed asset impairment and the current situation of earnings management, find out problems and put forward corresponding Suggestions.

Keywords: Fixed asset impairment; Earnings management; Economic value; advice                           

目  录

1 引言 3

2 固定资产减值准备与盈余管理的理论概述 3

2.1 固定资产减值的含义及减值判断 3

2.2 固定资产减值的计提与转回 3

2.3 盈余管理的基本含义及动因 4

2.4 盈余管理和盈余造假的区分 4

2.5 盈余管理的利弊分析 5

3 华阳公司利用固定资产减值准备进行盈余管理分析 5

3.1 华阳公司概况 5

3.2 华阳公司固定资产减值准备分析 6

4 固定资产减值存在的问题 7

4.1 资产减值不够规范 7

4.2 资产减值迹象的判断不明确 8

4.3 固定资产的确认和计量难度大 8

4.4 会计人员的职业判断能力有限 8

5 做好华阳公司固定资产减值准备的建议 8

5.1统一计量标准,减少人为的判断和估计 8

5.2 转变对固定资产计提的认识,加大资产减值准备审计力度 8

5.3 完善企业的资产计提制度 9

5.4 加强会计人员的自身素质 9

结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

1 引言

固定资产是企业创造财富的工具,在企业整个资产中占很大的比例。而它的价值变动对整个企业的发展有着举足轻重的影响。固定资产发生减值以及减值的计提与转回都有严格规定,它体现会计政策的谨慎性原则。固定资产减值准备是对固定资产折旧的补充,它更灵活和真实的反映企业会计信息,但是利用其作为盈余管理的一种手段也受到众多企业的欢迎。 徐州华阳饲料盈余管理视角的固定资产减值准备:http://www.751com.cn/kuaiji/lunwen_74741.html
