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时间:2020-10-05 20:00来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关 键 词:腌制食品,亚硝酸盐,分光光度法,含量

Abstract:Recent years, the number of nitrite poisoning due to consumption increased significantly. Studies have shown that nitrite content of pickled foods is the highest in all foods. Because of the salt content of the curing process is not long enough, or other reasons, pickled foods content high nitrite, may be have something to do with protein synthesis in food carcinogenic amines strong "nitrosamine". Carcinogenic food list, pickled foods is the first one. We study the nitrite content in different pickled foods, in order to reduce the harm to heath from nitrite, so that people can eat pickled foods safely. This test uses hydrochloric naphthylethylenediamine spectrophotometry, to live in common bacon, salted fish, salted duck eggs, sausage, ham, pickles, tenderloin, hot dogs as experimental material, measuring nitrite content at room temperature, sodium nitrite solution with a standard curve comparison. The method is simple, convenient, fast and practical.

Key points:pickled food, nitrite,spectrophotometry, content 

目   录

1  前 言 5

1.1引言 5

1.2课题意义 5

1.3亚硝酸盐性质与危害 6

2.实验方案 6

2.1方案原理 6

2.2 实验材料 6

2.3 主要仪器 6

2.4 试剂及用量 7

3 实验过程 7

3.1 亚硝酸盐标准曲线的测定 7

3.2 实验步骤 8

3.3 亚硝酸盐含量的测定 9

4.1处理试验材料亚硝酸盐含量测定的数据 9

4.2对测定的数据进行分析 10

结论与建议 11

参考文献 12

致 谢 13

1  前言

1.1  引言

腌制食品由于独具风,深受大众的喜爱,但流行病学研究发现,腌制食品中含有亚硝酸盐及其衍生物,是引发鼻咽癌的一个病因因素[3]。 腌制食品中含有大量的硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐,长期食用这类食品可引发肿瘤[4]。腌制食品真正危险的是那种只腌制几天或者十几天的,亚硝酸盐没有分解掉,亚硝酸盐的含量达到一个高峰,很容易中毒,腌制一个月以上的可以放心食用的。

一些慢性病人和儿童还是不适宜多吃的。很多人喜欢吃腌制食品,少吃点腌制食品调还是可以的,但不能当主食吃。 腌制食品中亚硝酸盐含量的测定:http://www.751com.cn/shiping/lunwen_62345.html
