    关键字:UHPCC  骨料  取代
    Title High-speed impact of optimal design UHPCC Simulation and finite element
    Conventional high brittle cement-based composite materials, and have a higher tendency to break, in order to optimize these defects, we often use the steel fibers to increase the interface between the fiber and matrix binding in order to enhance the performance of cement materials, especially enhanced toughness. Due to the persity characteristics of cementitious materials, if we just added steel fibers, it is not possible to comprehensively improve the performance of cementitious materials, in order to ensure that all aspects of improving the performance, it was suggested that the use of organic and inorganic fiber hybrid effect to improve the tensile materials strength and crack resistance capacity, therefore, the following select steel fiber and basalt fiber hybrid materials to experiment.
    Use to enhance the performance of hybrid fiber cement-based composites by the different nature and different scales and benefits of fiber mixed in the mixing and molding process can intercept and to combine their advantages. In the mechanical properties and durability of the more able, hybrid fiber was dominant. According UHPCC's own characteristics, and replace aggregates in different proportions on the basis of hybrid fiber reinforced through, to enhance UHPCC materials
    Key words:UHPCC  Aggregate  Replace
    1.1  引言    5
    1.2  UHPCC的性能特点以及研究现状    5
    1.3  本文的研究内容    6
    2  UHPCC的制备以及力学性能测试方法    7
    2.1  原材料及其原料参数    7
    2.1.1  水泥    7
    2.1.2  粗骨料    7
    2.1.3  黄砂    7
    2.1.4  硅灰    7
    2.1.5  矿渣:    8
    2.1.6  化学外加剂:    8
    2.1.7  纤文类型及其参数:    8
    2.2  UHPCC的养护机制及制备手段    9
    2.2.1  实验设备    9
    2.2.2  UHPCC的制备方法    11
    2.3  力学性能测试    11
    2.3.1  抗弯性能测试    11
    2.3.2  抗压强度测试    12
    2.4  配合比    14
    2.5  本章小结    14
    3  力学性能测试结果及微观形貌分析    15
    3.1  实验所得水泥基材料的抗压强度及抗弯强度    15
    3.1.1  水胶比对静态力学性能的影响    15
    3.1.2  骨料对静态力学性能的影响    15
    3.2  扫描电镜结果及分析    16
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