    Bacteria adsorbed on the mineral surface is an important link in bioleaching. In the past, study on adsorption of bacteria on the mineral surface are considerated the pH, temperature,  time and other external factors. This study embarks from the circulation characteristics ofbiological metallurgy process, to study effect of extraction of organic matter of entrainment and dissolved in theraffinate of bacterial adsorption behavior. The results show that: Pure culture of A.t bacteria medium adsorption on the surface of ore rate is 55.6%,however, With the volume concentration of entrained in the raffinate phase Lix984N increased from 2.5%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 56.2%, the adsorption rate from 58.4%, 58.9%, 60.7% in turn increase,.Nonylphenol concentration at 0.003% when the adsorption rate of 59.1% is on the increase. This is because the entrained organic phase Lix984N and nonylphenol are surface active agent is toxic to bacteria, growth and proliferation could inhibit A.t, but bacteria can promote the adsorption on the surface of chalcopyrite. Bacteria in the best pH mineral surface adsorption is 2.0, the adsorption rate was 58.4%. A.t bacteria in chalcopyrite leaching process, the leaching solution of the pH is a peak on the fourth day; the amount of Fe3+ reached the minimum at fifth days, while the amount of Fe2+ reached the maximum, it has much to do with the ions in the leaching process involved in the exchange and the formation of complexes.
    Keywords: Bioleaching, adsorption, raffinate, Surfactant, entrainment
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1    生物冶金技术简介    1
    1.2    浸矿微生物的种类及其生长环境    2
    1.3    微生物在矿物表面吸附的研究    3
    1.4  溶剂萃取有机相夹带的研究    4
    1.4.1    影响微生物在矿物表面吸附的因素    4
    1.4.2    细菌在矿物质表面吸附机理的研究    5
    1.4.3    浸矿细菌的氧化途径及浸出机理    5
    1.5    研究的目的、意义    6
    2.    实验部分    7
    2.1 实验原料    7
    2.2 仪器设备    8
    2.3 萃取步骤与方法    9
    2.3.1    Mac培养基的制备    9
    2.3.2    萃取有机相配制    10
    2.3.3    萃取方法    10
    2.3.4    分相    10
    2.4  LIX984N不同浓度对细菌在矿石表面吸附行为影响    10
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