


    借助光学显微镜和布氏硬度计等分析手段,分析了焊接接头的组织结构及不同区域Cu, Fe的含量,结果表明:焊缝组织以(α+ε)双相固溶体组织存在。也分析了焊接接头的硬度分布,结果表明:随着Cu:Fe比的下降,焊缝接头的硬度逐渐升高。68167

    毕业论文关键词  铜一钢异种金属 双丝焊 裂纹 焊缝 送丝速度 显微组织 布氏硬度  


    Title    the Research on microstructures and performance  of copper and steel double wire welded joints                                       


    This article includes the T2 copper and steel Q235 twin wire welding dissimilar metals research process with  silicon bronze + steel. Because the wire diameter are used Ф1mm, so the proportion of copper steel wire is wire feed speed ratio.

    In the welding process,the main welding wire and auxiliary welding wire respectively choose copper,and steel wire.the content of Fe in the weld is changed by adjusting the wire feeding speed.Analyzed the weld appearance quality under different process parameters, we can concluded that the wire feeding speed is in proportion to the content of Cu and Fe in the weld.

    With optical microscope,an analysis on the organizational structure of welded joints and contents of Cu and Fe in different areas is made. As shown in the results that,The weld microstructure were existed by dual phase solid solution (α+ε) organization. We also analyzed the hardness distribution of welded joint, the results showed that the Cu, Fe ratio drops, the hardness of weld joints increased.

    Keywords  dissimilar metal of copper and steel  double-wire welding   crack  weld   Wire feeding speed  microstructure  Brinell hardness

    目   录

    1  绪论 5

    1.1  铜-钢异种金属焊接的发展现状 5

    1.1.1  铜-钢焊接的主要特点 5

    1.1.2  铜-钢异种金属焊接方法 6 熔焊 6 压焊 8 钎焊 8 熔焊-钎焊 9

    1.2  双丝焊的发展现状 9

    1.2.1  双丝焊的分类和设备 9

    1.2.2  双丝焊的研究状况 10

    1.3  本课题所需研究的问题及方案 11

    2  试验设备及试验材料 12

    2.1  试验设备 12

    2.1.1  STARMATIC R450 TOPMAG自动双丝焊接系统 12

    2.1.2  OLYMPUS (GX71)光学显微镜 13

    2.1.3  HBRVU一1875型布洛维光学硬度计 14

    2.2  焊接母材及焊丝

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