


    毕业论文关键词  铝合金  TIG焊  焊接机器人  机械性能  微观组织


    Title  Robotic TIG welding aluminum alloy sheet Study


    The test selected for 4mm 6061 aluminum alloy sheet for TIG welding robotsto explore the optimum aluminum TIG welding. And after welding the weld mechanical properties testing, hardness testing, microscopic observation

    of the microstructure analysis.

    Test results showed that: when the welding current is 210A, welding speed 35cm/min obtained when the weld most beautiful macro interface clearest fusion line, heat affected zone and fusion zone narrowest and the transition is best; microstructure fine grain heat affected zone, weld and base metal grain size of the closest, and no obvious defects such as porosity, weld less impurities. And through the micro-hardness test and tensile strength tests proved the use of such technology to soften the resulting low level of welded joints, good mechanical properties, high intensity, good plasticity, closer to the base material.

    Keywords  aluminum    TIG welding    welding robot    machanical properties    microstructure

    目  次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题的意义 1

    1.2  铝合金焊接特点与难点分析 1

    1.3  薄板铝合金TIG焊的研究现状 3

    1.4  国内外焊接机器人的研究现状 5

    1.5  论文研究内容 6

    2  试验设备及方法 7

    2.1  试样材料 7

    2.2  试验设备 7

    2.3  试验方法与研究方案 8

    3  铝合金薄板机器人TIG焊宏观形貌分析 10

    3.1  不同焊接电流下焊缝的外观形貌分析 10

    3.2  不同焊接速度下焊缝的外观形貌分析 11

    3.3  6061铝合金TIG焊试样宏观形貌分析 14

    4  铝合金薄板机器人TIG焊微观组织及力学性能分析 16

    4.1  6061铝合金试样微观组织分析 16

    4.2  6061铝合金接头显微硬度测试 29

    4.3  6061铝合金接头拉伸强度测试 30

    4.4  总结 30

    结  论 32

    致  谢 33


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