
    摘要实验通过悬浮感应加热熔融烧结方法和石英管密封真空抽吸装置制备了双填充方钴矿化合物材料InxNdyCo4Sb12 (x=0.15,y=0.05;x=0.25,y=0.05;x=0.15,y=0.1;x=0.25,y=0.1)。实验采用 X射线多晶衍射仪(XRD)对InxNdyCo4Sb12试样进行物相分析和ZEM热电性能测试仪对其进行热电性能分析。研究发现,In0.25Nd0.05Co4Sb12试样得到较纯的Skutterudite相,其他三种配比都有不同程度的NdSb杂相存在,这说明,当Nd的填充量为0.05时,In的固溶度在0.25之上。当Nd的填充量为0.05时,试样有较大的Seebeck系数,并随着x的含量由0.15增大到0.25时,试样的电阻率明显下降。In0.25Nd0.05Co4Sb12试样在340℃温度附近有最大的功率因子数值为2.90×10-3Wm-1K-2, 比In和Ge双填充方钴矿材料的功率因子数值要大,是单填充方钴矿材料InxCo4Sb12的四倍。68165

    毕业论文关键词  热电材料  方钴矿  声子玻璃-电子晶体  熔炼-退火合成  In填充Nd掺杂CoSb3  双填充


    Title     New High-performance Thermoelectric Materials Skutterudite Preparation and Performance Optimization                         


    By the method of suspension induction heating,  melting-sintering and with the extraction device of sealed quartz tube, the experiment successfully prepared double-Filled Skutterudite compound material InxNdyCo4Sb12 (x=0.15,y=0.05;x=0.25,y=0.05;x=0.15,y=0.1;x=0.25,y=0.1). The experiment using Polycrystalline X-ray diffraction(XRD) to analysis the crystal phase and ZEM thermoelectric properties testing equipment to analysis the thermoelectric performance of InxNdyCo4Sb12.Studies have found that when the solid solution comes to In0.25Nd0.05Co4Sb12, relatively pure pase of Skutterudite was obtained, which shows that the solid solution of In is greater than 0.25 when the filling amount of Nd is 0.05. When the filling amount of Nd is 0.05, the sample has a high Seebeck coefficient, and with the content of x increases from 0.15 to 0.25, the resistivity of the material is decreased obviously. The In0.25Nd0.05Co4Sb12 sample has a maximum power factor value of 2.90×10-3Wm-1K-2 at the temperature of around 340℃, which is bigger than the power factor of double-filled skutterudite materials of In and Ge and about four times larger than that of InxCo4Sb12 (x≤0.3) skutterudite materials.

    Keywords  thermoelectric material  skutterudite phonon-glass/electron-crystal  melt-annealing synthesis  In-filled and Nd-doped CoSb3  double filled

    目 录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 热电效应的发现与发展 1

    1.2方钴矿热电材料的提出及其结构特点 2

    1.3双填充和纳米化对热电性能的贡献 3

    1.4热电优值及其相关参数 4

    1.5 n型CoSb3电输运的基本特征及其优化原则 4

    1.6 声子输运的基本特征与热输运性能调控 5

    2  实验方法及手段 7

    2.1按化学剂量比称量样品 7

    2.2制作圆柱棒状试样 7

    2.3退火处理 7

    2.4 XRD物相分析和ZEM热电性能测试 8

    3  物相分析 9

    4  InxNdyCo4Sb12热电性能参数分析 11

    结 论

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