


    通过浸渍法将离子液体负载于空心球中,从而获得了介孔CO2吸附剂。室温下吸附实验结果表明吸附剂的吸附量为0.23 mmol/g-sorbent左右(112 mmol/mol-IL以上),与纯离子液体1-胺丙基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐的3 mmol/mol-IL相比,吸附能力存在明显的大幅提高。通过调整负载量,我们得到当负载比率为0.42:1时,吸附剂吸附效果最好,为0.41 mmol/g-sorbent。

    毕业论文关键词  介孔SiO2空心球 结构调控 CO2捕获 介孔吸附剂 离子液体


    Title    Research of the novel adsorbents for CO2 capture based on hollow mesoporous nanospheres


    Mesoporous materials have unique advantages as following: high specific surface area, regular, narrow dispersed and adjustable pore size, and thermal stability. Hollow mesoporous silica spheres, in particular, attract great attention of researchers. Their big cavity structure can greatly elevate the loading capacity of guest molecules, making it possible to be widely used in the fields of drug delivery, gas adsorption and separation.

    In this paper, we successfully synthesized hollow mesoporous silica spheres. Their hollow core size, shell pore size and thickness can be tuned by changing the etching time, ammonia and silica precursor concentrations, respectively. TEM and N2 adsorption-desorption analysis were used to characterize their pore structures.

    Furthermore, novel mesoporous adsorbents for CO2 capture were synthesized by loading ionic liquids into hollow mesoporous silica spheres via wet impregnation. The results showed that the CO2 adsorption capacity of the adsorbents can reach around 0.23 mmol/g-sorbent(above 112 mmol/mol-IL), which is much higher than (3 mmol/mol-IL) that of free ionic liquid [APMIm]BF4. By adjusting the recipe, we achieved the highest adsorption capacity of 0.41 mmol/g-sorbent at the ratio of IL: HMSs=0.42:1. 

    Keywords  Hollow mesoporous silica spheres, Structure regulation, Carbon dioxide capture, Mesoporous adsorbents, Ionic liquids

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  介孔材料的合成概述 1

    1.2  介孔材料的应用概述 7

    1.3  CO2吸附剂 7

    1.4  课题的选择及意义 11

    2  介孔二氧化硅的制备和结构调控 14

    2.1  实验所用原料、试剂及设备 14

    2.2  实验过程 14

    2.3  实验结果与讨论 17

    3  新型纳米介孔CO2吸附剂的制备和性能测试 26

    3.1  实验所用原料、试剂及设备 26

    3.2  实验过程 26

    3.3  实验结果与分析 27

    结论 33

    致谢 34

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