



    Title The Packaging and Thermal Properties of GaN-based Laser Diodes                                      


          As the third generation of semiconductor materials which refers to GaN, InN and AlN, GaN realizes the emission of short wave laiser such as purple light, blue light, green light and ultraviolet light. GaN laiser plays an important role in the storage of high density optical information, deep-sea comunication, laiser display and laiser printing. This article provides a breif introduction of the application, preparation, packaging and features of GaN laiser. Since the temperature of semiconductor laiser has a great influence on its performance, this article introduces several methods to measure the junction temperature and uses the improved forward voltage approach to measure the temperature of the active area. The junction temperature measurement provides a basis for the temperature management of semiconductor laiser. Meanwhile, it has a significant effect on increasing the laiser’s output power and prolonging the service life. 

    Keywords:  principle of lasers;  GaN-based material;  manufacturing of lasers ; packaging ;thermal resistance;  measurements of junction temperature.

    目   次

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 激光产生原理 1

    1.2 激光器产生激光的必要条件 2

    1.3 半导体激光器 3

    1.4 GaN基激光器简介 5

    第二章  GaN基激光器材料的特性与生长工艺 6

    2.1 衬底的选择 6

    2.2 外延层的生长 7

    2.2.1 GaN基材料的基本特性 7

    2.2.2 GaN基材料的制备方法 8

    2.3 后续步骤 9

    2.4 MOCVD法生长激光器结构 9

    2.5 GaN激光器的特性 9

    第三章 GaN基激光器的封装与热学特性 10

    3.1 GaN基激光器的封装 10

    3.1.1 封装的概述 10

    3.2 TO封装 11

    3.2 封装的散热问题 13

    3.2 GaN基激光器的热学特性 15

    3.2.1 激光器的热性能参数 15

    3.2.2 节温对激光器主要参数的影响 16

    3.2.3 节温和热阻的测量

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