

    毕业论文关键词:碳钢焊条  BP神经网络  遗传算法  合金元素预测


    Title  Based on genetic algorithms and neural network prediction carbon steel electrode alloying elements                                                          


    In order to prediction the alloying elements of carbon steel electrode deposited metal,we established electrode component prediction genetic algorithm neural network model and BP neural network model,the model through 25 sets of data for training, five sets of data to predict and validate.we can research and analysis the following conclusions:According to carbon steel electrode welding the C content in the core,the C content in the medium carbon ferromanganese, the C content of ilmenite, forecast for C content in deposited metal,the average relative error is 10.73% ;the Mn content in the core, the Mn content in the medium carbon ferromanganese,forecast for Mn content in deposited metal,the average relative error is 6.80%, to meet the requirements of practical work prediction.That the established genetic algorithm neural network model and BP neural network model is valid, according to the content of alloying elements on the electrode deposited metal alloy content for prediction.

    Keywords: Carbon steel electrode     BP neural network    Gentic Algorithms          Alloying elements forecast


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  前言 1

    1.2  焊接材料研究概况 1

    1.3  神经网络在材料中的应用概况 2

    1.4  遗传算法在材料中的应用概况 4

    1.5  本课题研究内容 5

    2  碳钢焊条合金元素BP神经网络预测模型 6

    2.1酸性碳钢焊条配方成分特点分析 6

    2.2  BP神经网络模型建立 10

    2.3  BP神经网络模型的训练 10

    2.4  BP神经网络模型的预测 16

    3  遗传算法优化BP网络 18

    3.1  遗传算法优化的优点 18

    3.2  遗传算法优化的具体方法 18

    3.3  遗传算法优化BP网络训练 20

    3.4  遗传算法优化BP网络预测 23

    4  结论 26

    致谢 27

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