
    摘要:本论文中,我们通过溶剂热法制备出棒状、具有孔结构的Mn-MOF 。然后以Mn-MOF为模板,在不同的气氛下(N2, 空气)下煅烧,分别获得棒状MnO/多孔碳复合材料(MnO/PC)、Mn2O3。进一步利用浸泡方法将棒状MnO/PC转化为棒状多孔碳(PC)。实验过程中,采用XRD、FT-IR、TG、SEM等表征手段对所得三类MnO/PC、Mn2O3、PC进行微观结构、表面官能团及形貌进行分析、表征。最后,利用CV、GCD对样品的电化学性能进行测试。结果表明:MnO/PC具有最好的电化学性质,其比电容可达226.5F/g。此类新型氧化锰/多孔碳复合电极的开发为MOF材料在超级电容器领域的应用开辟新的方向。58170

    毕业论文关键词: 复合电极;MOF;超级电容器

    Study on the electrochemical properties of manganese oxide / porous carbon composite derivated from Mn-MOF

    Abstract: In this paper we through the Solvothermal method to prepare the rod like and pore structure of Mn-MOF. Then the rod like of MnO/ porous carbon composites (MnO/PC) and Mn2O3 were obtained by using Mn-MOF as the template was calcined in different atmosphere (N2, air).Further,the rod like of MnO/PC was transformed into the rod like of porous carbon (PC) by soaking method.In the experiment, XRD, FT-IR, SEM and TG were used to characterize the microstructure, surface functional groups and morphology of the three kinds of MnO/PC, Mn2O3 and PC.Finally, we use CV and GCD to test the electrochemical properties of the samples.The results show that MnO/PC has the best electrochemical properties and its specific capacitance is up to 226.5F/g.The development of this new type of manganese oxide / porous carbon composite electrode has opened up a new direction for the application of MOF materials in the field of super capacitor.

    Key words: Composite electrode;MOF;Super capacitor


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 超级电容器的简介 1

    1.1.1 超级电容器的应用前景 1

    1.1.2 超级电容器的分类及其特点 1

    1.1.3 超级电容器的材料进展 3

    1.2 Mn Ox基超级电容器 4

    1.2.1 氧化锰超级电容器研究进展 4

    1.2.2 电极材料的制备方法 5

    1.2.3 氧化锰的改性 6

    1.3 金属有机基多孔碳基超级电容器 7

    1.4 选题思路 8

    2 实验部分 10

    2.1 实验原料 10

    2.2 实验仪器与设备 10

    2.3 实验过程 11

    2.3.1 Mn-MOF溶液的制备 11

    2.3.2 Mn-MOF粉体的制备 11

    2.3.3 MnO/多孔碳复合材料(MnO/PC)、Mn2O3的制备 12

    2.3.4 泡沫镍电极的预处理 12

    2.3.5电极材料的制备 13

    2.4 化学性能表征 13

    2.4.1 XRD分析 13

    2.4.2 FT-IR分析 13

    2.4.3 TG分析 14

    2.4.4 SEM分析 14

    2.4.5 电化学性能分析 14

    3 结果与讨论 16

    3.1 Mn-MOF的合成及表征

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