


    . Study on Microwave Absorbing Properties of Polyacrylonitrile - based Carbon Fiber

    Abstract:At present, the fiber commonly used as absorbing material has carbon fiber, silicon carbide fiber and magnetic metal fiber, etc., and carbon fiber can not only make structural absorbing material, and its short fiber can also be used as a coating absorbent material absorber [1]. As early as the 20th century, 70 years the application of ordinary carbon fiber to show a better absorption performance. According to the study, it is found that the absorbing properties of polyacrylonitrile fiber are related to the degree of carbonization. Therefore, polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber yarns were used to investigate the effects of different carbonization temperature (400 ℃, 500 ℃, 600 ℃, 718 ℃, And the composition and structure of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers at 1131 ℃ and 1286 ℃, and their electrical properties were measured by their characterization of permittivity and permeability. The lattice parameters and structure of the carbon fiber were analyzed by XRD and IR. The characteristics of the dielectric constant, the magnetic permeability, the dielectric loss, the magnetic loss and the reflection loss were analyzed by the vector network analyzer. The dielectric properties of the ideal absorbing material can be obtained by the electromagnetic parameters of the polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber. Comprehensive multi-faceted performance at 718 ℃ carbonized carbon fiber absorbing performance is the best of the seven groups of experiments in absorbing properties, so the higher the carbonization temperature is, the better the carbon fiber is obtained.

    Key words: Keywords polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber; absorbing properties; dielectric constant; magnetic permeability; reflection loss.

    目 录

    摘要: 2

    Abstract: 3

    1. 绪 论 5

    1.1引言 5

    1.2聚丙烯腈基炭纤维 5

    1.2.1聚丙烯腈基炭纤维简介 5

    1.2.2聚丙烯腈基碳纤维的国外发展现状 6

    1.2.3聚丙烯腈基碳纤维的国内发展趋势 7

    1.3吸波性能 8

    2. 实验部分 10

    2.1实验原料及实验仪器设备 10


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