    An annual output of 1000 tons of polyurethane-Polyacrylate Copolymer production process design
    Abstract: According to the design task book issued, the design of the annual output of 1000 tons of polyurethane - Polyacrylate Copolymer production process design. Through consulting a lot of literature, the synthesis method of block copolymer, and the synthesis of polyamines Polyacrylate Copolymer recipe. At the same time, also chose to process, more sophisticated production equipment and so on, the process parameters, process equipment and material balance calculation in detail.
    Production process is as follows: The (meth) acrylate as the monomer, pinylbenzene as the crosslinking agent, using toluene as the porogen, the choice of initiator are generally dibenzoyl peroxide (BPO ) and azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) in one or two kinds of use with a certain proportion. Oil phase is generally a monomer, a crosslinking agent, porogen, initiator composition, the water phase mainly composed of water and a dispersing agent. An oil phase and an aqueous phase by mixing, at a rate of stirring, the formation of small droplets in suspension polymerization. Specific process: pre-polymerization may be a slurry, and then the oil phase into a ball. Acrylate copolymer pinylbenzene first with a bead-like body, and then bead surface grafted amines in. In this way, the beads produced polyamine - polyacrylate block copolymer resin. The design process, but also try to consider a low-cost, high-performance, low pollution, the idea for the workshop can be recycled more reasonable design, and rendering the process flow diagram and workshop floorplan.
    Key Words:    Block copolymer; adsorption resin; suspension polymerization; production process design
    1 绪论    1
    1.1本设计的任务    1
    1.2吸附树脂    1
    1.3吸附树脂发展概况    1
    1.4吸附作用的原理    2
    1.4.1物理吸附    2
    1.4.2化学吸附    2
    1.4.3交换吸附    3
    1.5吸附材料和吸附树脂的分类    3
    1.6吸附树脂的合成    5
    1.6.1溶液聚合法    5
    1.6.2反相悬浮聚合法    6
    1.6.3反相乳液聚合法    6
    1.6.4辐射引发聚合法    7
    2 生产方法    8
    2.1悬浮聚合概述    8
    2.1.1悬浮聚合的特点    8
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