





    the annual production capacity of 80 million tons of bar production workshop design

    Abstract The topic for the annual production capacity of 80 million tons of bar production workshop design, through the design analysis and the control rod workshop general method and production technology, the characteristics of production technology of, including the process of determination, heating equipment, rolling mill, and pass system and pass design, control cooling equipment, fine whole auxiliary equipment and labor quota and economic and technical indicators of the determination.

    At present, our country's construction, transportation and other industries are still in the rapid development, the demand for construction steel in a long time will be very high. Bar, as one of the most important part, is widely used in the construction of roads, houses and so on. It is a kind of steel with great demand. Therefore production of bar in steel rolling production occupies important position, so to grasp the bar production theory and technology, will help improve the bar product quality, development of new products, new technology, new equipment, improve production automation and computer control technology.

    This is the technology design for the annual output of 80 million tons of bar production workshop a year, production workshop has a wide product range, the main products is round steel and hot rolled ribbed steel bar, the typical product selection of steel grade for 30 CRMN Ф 25.0 mm hot rolled ribbed reinforced bar is calculated and the pass design.

    This design chose the concast billets with the size of 180mm×180mm×12000mm for the raw material. Preheat with Walking Beam Heating Furnace and then use continuous rolling technology to rolling. There have 18 mill in common, among them,6 for roughing mills,6 for medium mills,6 for finishing mills, and we use the technology of non groove rolling at the 1~12 passes. good completed the design of bar rolling development steps needed for comprehensive analysis and design of the plant, including process flow, product scheme, main equipment selection and checking, mill motor selection and checking, the selection of auxiliary equipment and production workshop's output, workshop layout and technical and economic indicators, etc.

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