




    Abstract  The polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based carbon fiber were fabricated by preoxidation and carbonization, based on PAN fiber,own excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, erosion resistance, good conductive thermal conductivity.

    For PAN-based carbon fibers, preoxidation and carbonization are important process,they have a great influence on the performance for the carbon fiber. Microwave heating method is a new type of rapid material to make use of microwave heating to sintering method.Compared with traditional heating method, microwave heating are mainly the overall rapid heating, low temperature burning, no heat inertia, and other significant characteristics of selective heating. Microwave heating can obviously relieve skin core structure, thereby reducing the effect of the number of defects and defect size. Microwave carbide wire has a higher degree of carbide and stronger the intensity of the modulus of elasticity .

        This topic focuses on the influence for carbonization on the structure of the PAN-fiber by microwave heating,and comparing with the traditional heating mode,explored the suppression mechanism of fiber structure defects through different heating mode.

    Keywords: polyacrylonitrile fiber; microwave heating; carbonization


    1绪论 6

    1.1 聚丙烯腈碳纤维 6

    1.2 聚丙烯腈碳纤维的制备 6

    1.2.1 原丝制备 6

    1.2.2 聚合 7

    1.2.3 纺丝 7

    1.2.4 预氧化 7

    1.2.5 碳化处理 8

    1.3 微波加热 8

    1.3.1 微波加热技术 8

    1.3.2 微波加热的优点 9

    1.4 国内外发展现状 9

    1.5 聚丙烯腈碳纤维的研究方向 10

    1.6 研究目标 10

    1.7 研究内容 10

    1.8 测试与表征 10

    1.8.1电镜(SEM)和能谱(EDS)分析 10

    1.8.2元素分析 11

    1.8.3红外分析 11

    1.8.4 XRD分析 11

    1.8.5 强度、模量分析 11

    1.9 研究意义 12

    2 实验 12

    2.1 微波碳化

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