
    摘要 近年来,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,社会对住房的需求量也不断提高,由此带来的大量的施工所造成的工业废渣污染及浪费现象也越来越严重。另一方面,能源短缺也日益成为制约工业生产的一大瓶颈。本课题主要研究了利用锆渣、废弃加气混凝土等工业废渣以及石灰硅藻土等矿物质,采用一次静态水热合成的方法制备硅酸钙绝热材料的工艺。借助XRD、SEM及TEM等仪器分析了不同原料配比,不同原料组合,不同反应条件下生成的托贝莫来石型硅酸钙绝热材料的微观形貌,并对制品的抗折性能以及导热系数进行了检测。68162


    毕业论文关键词  锆渣   废加气   硅藻土  托贝莫来石  硅酸钙绝热材料


    Title  Research  of  Tobermorite  calcium  silicate Insulation  material               


    In recent years,as people’s living standard continues to improve,the society increases it’s demands of housing.This phenomenon has brung a large number of construction,which creates the pollution of industrial litter and  the waste of raw materials.On the other hand,energy shortages is becoming a major bottleneck of industrial production.This topic mainly studied the calcium silicate insulation materials technology ,using a static hydrothermal synthesis method ,with aerated concrete waste and other industrial waste,and diatomite lime and other minerals.With the help of different instruments,such as XRD,XEM and TEM,we analyzed the morphology of Tobermorite type calcium insulating materials,which are made by different ratio of raw materials,combinations of different materials,different reaction conditions.Finally we tested the flexural properties and thermal conductivity.

    Our experiment controls the Lime-silica ratio as 0.83,obtained tobermorite by mixing diatomite and zirconium slag.We observed good growth conditions of tobeimorite from the product.The product has a big void,and we made its density as low as 342Kg/m3 under 0.5MPa by adding fibers .

    Keywords  zirconium slag   aerated waste   diatomite   tobermorite   calcium   insulating material

    目  次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题背景..1

    1.2  硅酸钙绝热材料的研究及发展现状2

    1.2.1  硅酸钙绝热材料..2

    1.2.2  硅酸钙绝热材料的发展历程2

    1.2.3  硅酸钙绝热材料的特点..3

    1.3  托贝莫来石型硅酸钙绝热材料..3

    1.3.1  托贝莫来石的晶体结构与性质..3

    1.3.2  托贝莫来石的合成及研究.4

    1.4  废加气混凝土5

    1.5  锆渣的性质及利用.6

    1.5.1  锆渣的来源、性质.6

    1.5.2  锆渣利用的研究现状6

    1.5.3  锆渣利用的发展前景8

    1.6  几种硅酸钙绝热材料的简介8

    1.6.1  憎水型微孔硅酸钙绝热制品的简述8

    1.6.2  超轻憎水硬硅钙石型硅酸钙绝热制品的简述及现状..8

    1.6.3  纤维增强二氧化硅气凝胶绝热材料9

    1.7  本课题研究的目的及意义.9

    1.8  研究的重点及创新点9

    2  实验过程及检测方法10

    2.1  实验原料..10

    2.1.1  硅质原料..10

    2.1.2  钙质原料..10

    2.1.3  废纸浆纤维.10

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