
    摘要通过将带负电荷的DNA和带正电荷的季铵化纤维素(QC)在水介质中混合得到了纤维素基因复合微粒。通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)观察, DNA-QC纳米粒子近似球形,且分散均匀。研究了DNA浓度、QC浓度及分子量对DNA负载的影响。QC/DNA复合微粒的粒径可以通过调整改变QC的浓度、电荷密度及分子量进行调节,较高分子量的QC对DNA的包封率较高,负载的DNA可以在最初48小时内稳定地从微粒中释放。利用基因治疗技术可使软骨支架材料在体内环境下保持生物活性并实现长期有效释放细胞生长因子。67805



    Title   Cellulase gene vector synthesis and properties of materials


    Quaternized celluloses (QCs) with different molecular weight (Mw) and degree of cationic substitution (DS) were homogeneously synthesized in NaOH/urea aqueous solutions and were studied as gene carriers. QCs were homogeneously synthesized by reacting cellulose with 3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride (CHPTAC) in NaOH/urea aqueous solutions. The results revealed that water-soluble QCs could be obtained by adjusting the molar ratio of CHPTAC to anhydroglucose unit (AGU) of cellulose and the reaction time. The QC solutions in water displayed a typical polyelectrolyte behavior. Moreover, two QC samples were selected and studied as gene carriers. The results suggested that QCs could condense DNA efficiently. QCs were evaluated for efficacy of nanoparticle formation, DNA binding efficiency, morphology, and in vitro gene delivery efficiency. All QCs obtained could bind DNA efficiently, and QC/DNA complexes exhibited effective delivery in comparison to the naked DNA. The quaternized cellulose derivatives prepared in NaOH/urea aqueous solutions could be considered as promising nonviral gene carriers.

    Keywords: Celluloses, DNA, gene delivery, nanoparticles, tissue engineering.


    1  引言 1

    1.1  选题的目的和意义 1

    1.2  研究背景 1

    1.2.1  基因治疗的发展 1

    1.2.2  基因治疗手段和程序 2

    1.2.3  基因治疗技术的应用 3

    1.3  课题的提出 6

    2. 实验部分 8

    2.1  实验材料及实验设备 8

    2.1.1  实验原材料及辅助材料 8

    2.1.2  实验设备 8

    2.2  实验方法 8

    2.2.1  材料制备 8

    2.2.2  QC/DNA复合物微粒的表征 9

    3  结果和讨论 10

    3.1  纤维素的季铵化 10

    3.2  QC/DNA复合微粒的形成 11

    3.3  QC/DNA复合微粒的稳定性 12

    3.4  DNA在复合微粒中的负载量 12

    3.5  DNA从复合微粒中的累计释放 14

    4. 结  论 15

    致  谢 16

    参 考 文 献 17

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