






    毕业论文关键词  Ni-Mn-In合金;马氏体相变;结构转变;饱和磁化强度


    Title:Structure, phase transition and magnetic properties of ball-milled Ni-Mn-X based Heusler alloy powders


    NiMnInCo alloys were melted by vacuum arc furnace. The transformation of martensitic alloys, phase structure and the magnetic property of alloys were studied with differential scanning calorimetry calorimeter (DSC), vibration sample magnetic field meter (VSM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The influence of ball milling on phase composition, phase transformation and magnetic properties are illuminated.

    The results show that:

    1  The composition of the ball milled powder is Ni47.35Mn37.71In12.43Co4.68Fe1.43. The vibration ball milled powders will occur two structure transitions with fcc to disorder bcc and bcc to L21 during annealing process.

    2  The ball milled powders are mixed phase with austenitic phase and martensitic phase after annealing.And with the increase of annealing temperature, martensite content increased.

    3  The undersize of grains will suppress phase transformation of powder after annealing. The temperature of martensitic transformation in ball milled powder is higher than in block.

    4  Saturation magnetization of the ball milled powder increases dramatically after annealing, and it increases with annealing temperature in a range of temperature. 

    Keywords:  Ni-Mn-In alloys; Martensitic transformation; Structure transition; Saturation magnetization

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  磁控形状记忆合金的发展概况 1

    1.2  Heusler合金和Ni-Mn-In合金简介 2

    1.3  球磨Ni-Mn-In合金的研究现状 4

    1.5  选题目的与研究内容 8

    2  实验方法 9

    2.1  实验合金制备 9

    2.2  实验研究方法 10

    3  NiMnInCo合金的结构 13

    3.1  高能球磨与低能球磨的结构变化 13

    3.2  NiMnInCo合金的能谱图谱分析

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