

    毕业论文关键词 : 铝合金,激光焊接,强度,缺陷 



     Title  Research on thick aluminum laser welding performance


    Because of the light weight, high strength, good corrosion resistance, non-magnetic, good shape and good low temperature performance characteristics,aluminum alloys are widely used in all kinds of welded construction products. Therefore,finding the methods with high productivity and quality, less welding defects welding  has became the urgent need for actual production. In this paper,the author introduces the laser technology for lightweight high strength 4043 aluminum alloy plate for docking studies welding process, adjusting the corresponding parameters,observing the external shape and microstructure defects occur within, and propose appropriate solutions. Make the hardness and the tensile test, comparing the intensity of laser seam aluminum. Besides elaborate aluminum laser welding current research and future direction of development, put forward their own ideas.

    Keywords:aluminum alloys,laser welding,strength,defect


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  铝合金焊接性 1

    1.2  激光焊接技术特点及发展情况 1

    1.3  铝合金激光焊接的研究现状 3

    1.4  铝合金激光焊接中出现的问题及解决方案 3

    1.5  铝合金激光焊接的应用及发展趋势 5

    1.6  本课题研究内容 5

    2  试验材料及设备 7

    2.1  焊接材料 7

    2.2  实验设备 7

    2.3  焊接过程 11

    2.3.1  焊前处理 11

    2.3.2  焊接装夹 11

    2.3.3  焊接过程 12

    2.4  拉伸试验 12

    2.5  硬度测试 13

    2.6  金相组织分析 14

    3   变形铝硅合金激光焊接工艺试验研究 16

    3.1  焊接规范 16

    3.2  焊接外观成型 16

    4   焊缝宏观及微观分析和焊接接头力学性能 20

    4.1  焊缝形貌观测 20

    4.1.1  离焦量对焊缝成形的影响 20

    4.1.2  激光功率对焊缝成形的影响 21

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