
    摘要 本文包括了Cr17不锈钢在铝是进行堆焊铁铝金属间化合物的试验过程以及对焊接工艺的研究。在10mm厚铝板单丝堆焊Cr17不锈钢,当送丝速度是8.5m/min,焊接速度是50cm/min时,焊缝外观最好,成形最好,没有出现气孔、裂纹、咬边等缺陷;在10mm厚铝板先堆焊过渡层钢然后再堆焊Cr17不锈钢时,当送丝速度是9m/min,焊接速度是60cm/min时,堆焊成形最好,没有缺陷。通过试验对比可知,有钢过渡层的堆焊试验获得的Cr17堆焊层比没有钢过渡层的成形更好。通过观察金相得知,熔敷层有黑色的析出相。68233      



    Title      Aluminum surface layer Cr17 steel surfacing process test research           

    Abstract  This article includes a Cr17 stainless aluminum is carried out in Fe-Al intermetallic compounds surfacing during the test as well as research on the welding process. Monofilament of 10mm thick aluminum welding Cr17 stainless steel, when the wire feed speed is 8.5m/min, the welding speed is 50cm/min, the weld appearance is best, the best shape, there was no pores, cracks, undercuts and other defects; in 10mm thick aluminum surfacing of transition before surfacing Cr17 stainless steel and then, when the wire feed speed is 9m/min, when the welding speed is 60cm/min surfacing molding best no defects. By contrast experiment shows that the steel transition layer surfacing surfacing layer experimentally obtained Cr17 steel transition layer forming than no better. Metallographic learned through observation, deposited layer has a black precipitate.

    Key Word:  welding, stainless steel, Cr17


    1  引言 3

    1.1  课题的意义 3

    1.2  铝与钢焊接的主要问题 3

    1.3  铁铝焊接的方法 5

    1.3.1  摩擦焊 5

    1.3.2  爆炸焊 6

    1.3.3  钎焊 6

    1.3.4  扩散焊 7

    1.3.5  熔焊 7

    1.4  CR17不锈钢的研究发展 8

    1.4  结论 10

    2  试验设备及材料 12

    2.1  试验设备 12

    2.1.1  焊接设备介绍 12

    2.1.2  金相显微镜 12

    2.1.3  数显显微硬度计 13

    2.2  试验材料 13

    3  试验过程及结果分析 14

    3.1  焊前准备及焊接注意事项 14

    3.2  试验过程及结果 14

    3.2.1 10mm铝板单丝堆焊Cr17 14

    3.2.2 10mm铝板先堆焊钢过渡层,再堆焊Cr17不锈钢 16

    4 金相试验 19

    4.1  金相实验步骤 19

    4.2  金相分析 19

    5  硬度测试 22

    结  论 23

    致  谢

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