    Title    Hot formation of Mg alloy with high strength               
    In this article,AZ61M Mg alloy was carried under solid solution treatment to achieve the best parameters. After solid solution treatment of the best parameters, the workpiece was multi directional forged at 380℃.After the multi directional forging, microstructure of the workpiece was observed and mechanical properties of the workpiece were tested.
    Since the coarse net-like β phase in the as-cast AZ61M Mg alloy affects the tensile strength and elongation of the material severely, solid solution treatment was carried on to get β phase solute into the matrix. After solid solution at 400℃ for 2h,lots of β phase is solute into the matrix ,the rest of β phase strengthens the matrix and solid solution strengthens the matrix as well.The tensile strength raise to 250Mpa from 185Mpa of as-cast state ,and also the elongation of the 2h state increase to7.1% from 6.4% of as-cast state. After solid solution at 400℃ for 4h,just little β phase remains .in this case, β phase strengthening no longer exists but solid solution strengthening is reinforced, therefore the tensile strength decrease to 230Mpa but the elongation increase to 10.2%.After solid solution at 400℃ for 6h,the rest of β phase is similar to that under solid solution at 400℃ for 4h.In addition, the size of the grain grows fast to approximately 89μm. Comparing to solid solution for 4h,the tensile strength decrease to208Mpa and the elongation decrease to 8.3%.
    After multi directional forging pass 1,the microstructure of workpiece shows lots of dynamic recrystal grains. Average grain size decrease to 37μm and tensile strength increase to 200.5Mpa.Also the elongation increase to 8.2%. After multi directional forging pass 2,the microstructure of workpiece shows more dynamic recrystal grains in volume fraction. Average grain size decrease to 31μm and tensile strength increase to 320.8Mpa.Also the elongation increase to 12.5%.
    Keywords: AZ61M Mg alloy、 hot formation 、multi directional forging 、microstructure、mechanical properties
    目 次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 镁合金及其研究现状    1
    1.2 镁合金的热成型    7
    1.3 Deform-3D有限元分析    10
    1.4 课题研究的目的、意义与研究内容    10
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