    Synthesis and properties of the doped calcium magnesium silicate materials synthesis
    Abstract: As a new generation of long afterglow materials, rare earth doped alkaline earth silicate and aluminate is widely used in emergency display, traffic signs, decoration, and fabric printing field. The silicon solution were prepared by using the oxydation of silicon powder method in this paper. Rare earth Ions-doped calcium and magnesium silicate better performance were fabracated by combustion synthesis method. Process conditions of SiO2 sol prepared by oxidation of silicon powder were studied in this paper , and  the affecting factors of the synthesis of silicate are also considered. The Eu doped Ca2MgSi2O7 with good luminous performance was obtained by using combustion experimental design and synthesis. The results show that in the process of synthesis, silicon solution system with larger pH value should be used rather than silicon solution with smaller pH value. In addition, the factors of reaction temperature and experimental raw material are also importance for combustion synthesis.
    Keywords: silicon oxidation method;combustion synthesis;silicate
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 研究背景及意义    1
    1.2 长余辉材料简介    1
    1.3 长余辉材料分类    2
    1.3.1 硫化物体系    2
    1.3.2 钛酸盐体系    3
    1.3.3 硅酸盐体系    3
    1.3.4 铝酸盐体系    3
    1.4 长余辉材料应用    3
    1.5  硅酸盐材料    4
    1.5.1 硅酸盐的发展    4
    1.5.2 硅酸盐的制备    4
    1.5.3影响余辉时间长短的因素    6
    1.6 钙镁硅酸盐    6
    1.6.1晶体结构    6
    1.6.2理化性质    7
    1.6.3材料合成方法    7
    1.6.4材料特点    7
    1.7 本课题研究目的与意义    8
    2.实验    9
    2.1实验原料和设备    9
    2.1.1 实验原料    9
    2.1.2 实验仪器    9
    2.2钙镁硅酸盐的制备    10
    2.2.1 硅溶胶的制备    10
    2.2.2 .1硅酸钙镁的制备    11硅酸钙镁制备流程图    12
    2.3 材料性能表征    12
    2.3.1 XRD表征    12
    2.3.2荧光光谱仪测定    13衰减曲线原理    13热释光原理    14
    3.实验结果与讨论    15
    3.1 硅溶胶的制备    15
    3.1.1单质硅氧化法    15
    3.2 硅酸钙镁材料的制备    16
    3.2.1 pH值硅溶胶对硅酸钙镁合成的影响    16
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