    毕业论文关键词: 冷轧;轧辊温度场;模拟;油烧缺陷
    Cold Rolled Silicon Steel Temperature and the Influence on Oil Burn Defect
    Abstact:With the continuous improvement of cold rolling equipment and technology level, to continuous improvement of automation, shape, size and other factors, the magnetic steel to control better, and national defense industry, machinery and electronics and many other industries on the silicon steel product surface quality requirements are also rising, the surface quality of silicon steel becomes more and more important, the current level of silicon steel surface quality control level has become one of the important reference standard high-end customer choice. At present, the No. 1550 unit as an example, oil burning defect has become one of the surface defects of the production line mainly, directly affect the product quality and yield. At present, the study on the mechanism of oil burning defect is less, and the temperature and oil burning defect has direct relationship. In this paper, through the analysis of the cold rolled silicon steel process, a temperature model of cold rolled silicon steel process, and use C# to prepare a cold-rolled silicon steel temperature prediction software. Through the software, the influence of parameters of rolling temperature, emulsion, emulsion flow rate on the export of steel temperature were studied, and finally put forward to avoid oil burning defect measure.
    Keywords: cold rolling; roll temperature field; simulation; oil burning defect
    目  录
    1 绪论    6
    1.1 硅钢产品的特点及工艺    6
    1.2 冷轧硅钢表面缺陷及硅钢生产现状    6
    1.3 冷轧带钢温度模型概述    7
    2 冷轧硅钢温度模型    9
    2.1 轧制变形区各部分长度的计算    9
    2.2 各区间轧制压力模型分布简介    13
    2.2.1 出口弹性变形区单位轧制压力的计算    13
    2.2.2 入口弹性变形区单位轧制压力的计算    14
    2.2.3 塑性变形区单位轧制压力的计算    14
    2.2.4 总轧制压力P的计算    15
    2.2.5 轧辊压扁半径    16
    2.2.6 咬入角和中性角的计算    16
    2.3 变形热模型    17
    2.4 摩擦热的计算    19
    2.4.1 摩擦力的分布    20
    2.5 变形抗力的计算    22
    2.6 温度上升    23
    2.7 轧件的冷却    24
    3 软件编写流程及运行实例    27
    3.1 软件主要功能及编写流程    28
    3.2 软件的界面设计    28
    3.2.1 软件初始页面    28
    3.2.2 用户输入界面    29
    3.2.3 输出界面    29
    3.3 数据存储    30
    3.4 数据导出    31
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