

    毕业论文关键词: 钙收得率;炼钢用终脱氧剂;Al-Ca-Fe脱氧剂


    Domestic aluminum industry were often used before the final deoxygenation, which will produce a large Al2O3 inclusions. Al2O3 high melting point in the molten steel is solid fine particles, dispersed in the molten steel, it is difficult to separate easily in continuous casting nozzle clogging, clogging pipes, leading to production interruptions and reduce the rate of finished steel. To solve the problem of Al2O3 inclusions produced deoxy aluminum, currently the more popular is calcium treatment using Al-Ca alloy deoxidation, Ca is a better oxygen capacity than aluminum elements. But its low density than molten steel, molten steel into molten steel will float on top, deoxidation effect is not ideal, in order to give full play to its role will increase the density, in order not to cause secondary pollution we thought of adding a certain amount of iron and Al-Fe alloy, made of Al-Ca-Fe alloy. Studies have shown that, 1560 ℃ with 50.2% Al-Fe, 7.5% iron and 42.3% Al-Ca obtained by melting Al-Ca-Fe is a more complete one, almost no powder, so use the control variable does not change the law in other basic conditions on only increasing and decreasing the temperature were experiments, analyzed 1520 ℃, the content of Al-Ca-Fe alloy 1560 ℃ and 1600 ℃ melting before and after calcium obtained at different temperatures melting calcium yield research temperature effect on the yield of calcium. The results show that: the higher the melting temperature, the lower the yield of Ca, the best melting temperature of 1520 ℃.

    KeyWords:Ca yield rate;Finishing agent for steelmaking;Al-Ca-Fe deoxidizer



    1 文献综述 1

    1.1 脱氧剂的作用 1

    1.2 单一脱氧剂 1

    1.3 复合脱氧剂 1

    1.4 夹杂物对钢的影响 2

    1.5 铝基脱氧剂 3

    1.6 钙处理对钢的作用 4

    1.7 铝钙合金的研究 5

    1.8 Fe-Al-Ca脱氧剂的研究 8

    2 研究的目的和意义 9

    3 课题基本内容 11

    3.1 实验内容 11

    3.2 实验原料 11

    3.3 实验设备 12

    3.4 实验步骤 13

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