
    摘要  以A407电焊条药皮颗粒度作为研究对象,选择药皮成分中的微碳铬铁、金属铬、电解锰进行了:颗粒度形态研究、颗粒度细化,制备出三个等级的细化合金颗粒,并制作成电焊条。对制备的电焊条分别进行了焊接工艺性能测试、熔敷金属化学成分分析、焊接接头力学性能检测、熔敷金属微观组织观察。结果表明:焊条颗粒度的适当细化使焊条引弧长度变短,飞溅率增加;颗粒度适当细化熔敷金属微观组织有细密趋势:组织生长方向趋于一致,树枝晶密集细化;强度所受影响不大。68275

    毕业论文关键词 电焊条 ,颗粒度 ,合金元素


    Title   Research on effect of Austenitic  electrode,s  particle to deposited metal Prosperities               


    Take the electrode  A407 coating particle as the research object, select low carbon ferrochrome, chromium, manganese from  the coating composition to refine and study their particle morphology ,the three components were refined to three levels and producted into electrodes. The prepared electrodes were carried out mainly welding performance test, analysis the chemical composition of deposited metal,detect welding joint mechanical prosperities ,observe welding metal microstructure. Experiments show that as the welding electrode particle refinement the arc length becomes shorter, splash rate increased; austenitic microstructure is refined, growthing direction become interlace, dendrite refinement; strength by the interaction of microstructure and phase.

    Keywords  electrode , particle ,  alloy elements


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  电焊条的发展状况 1

    1.2 电焊条的分类及优缺点 1

    1.3 奥氏体电焊条的特征及选择原则 2

    1.4试验研究内容及目的 3

    1.5 本章小结: 4

    2 电焊条配方的选择及合金颗粒细化 5

    2.1 A407电焊条特点 5

    2.2合金颗粒的细化 6

    2.2.1 选择细化合金 6

    2.2.2 细化合金化学成分 7

    2.2.3微碳铬铁的细化 8

    2.2.4 金属铬的细化 10

    2.2.5 电解锰的细化 12

    2.3 本章小结 13

    3电焊条的制作 14

    3.1焊条制作过程 14

    3.2本章小结 16

    4 电焊条性能测试及讨论 17

    4.1电焊条的断弧长度和再起弧 17

    4.2 电焊条的飞溅率 18

    4.3 焊接接头力学性能测试 20

    4.4 焊接接头化学成分分析 20

    4.5本章小结 21

    5焊接接头微观组织观察 22

    5.1 焊缝微观组织观察及分析 22


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