

    毕业论文关键词  SOFCs  PLD  SEM  电解质  热处理


    Title  Preparation and Properties of Low-temperature solid oxide fuel cell electrolyte thin film                     


    Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFCs) as a clean, efficient power generation technology has been widely concerned and researched in recent years. In this paper, using pulsed laser deposition (PLD), the SDC electrolyte was prepared by coprecipitation sputtering on cathode material in LSCF substrate as target, research on the relationship of PLD deposition process parameters with morphology, microstructure and electrochemical properties, master factors that affect the film quality. By changing the deposition temperature and heat treatment parameters, thin film of uniform and dense was prepared, results show poor crystallinity of the film at lower deposition temperature, film prepared above 650℃ has a better density and electrochemical performance.After heat treatment, the film becomes more dense, film deposited at 650℃ and heat treamented at 1100℃ for 2h has a conductivity of 0.075Scm-1 and activation energy of 0.77eV, the properties of the films compared to those without heat treatment has been greatly improved, visible PLD technology to prepare high-performance electrolyte thin film has a great advantage. 

    Keywords  SOFCs  PLD  SEM  electrolyte  heat treatment

    目   录

    1  引言 1

    1.1  SOFC概述 1

    1.2  电解质薄膜制备技术 3

    1.3  PLD薄膜制备技术 5

    1.4  本研究工作的内容和意义 6

    2  实验 8

    2.1  实验原料和设备 8

    2.2  靶材SDC的制备 9

    2.3  阴极材料LSCF的制备 10

    2.4  PLD沉积电解质薄膜 10

    2.5  热处理 12

    3  实验结果和讨论 13

    3.1  XRD分析 13

    3.2  致密度测试 13

    3.3  SEM测试 14

    3.4  阻抗谱测试 15

    3.5  薄膜离子导电性能分析 16

    结  论 20

    致  谢 21

    参 考 文 献 22

    1  引言


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