

    毕业论文关键词  氧化锆纤维  MgO  Y2O3   相变   Stereomicroscope  XRD   FT-IR


    Title  The research of Zirconia fiber Optimization of preparation technology                                     


    This article in depth on the crystal structure, organizational performance and the application of zirconia.Explanation of the phase transition of zirconia principle fundamentally. For in the application phase tetragonal zirconia will become unsatisfactory performance monoclinic phase this problem, this paper made of zirconia fibers and experimental design, By changing the type of stabilizer mixed grain growth and changes in the types and proportions of inhibitor to explore the impact on the ZrO2 phase transformation. Over stereomicroscope preliminary observation grain size, then the phase transition diagram XRD experiments, the use of infrared spectroscopy to obtain infrared spectra, and then analysis we got  the final conclusion: As a stabilizer in Y2O3 MgO as a ratio of stabilizer to be smaller grain size, Mg high fiber strength, fiber length, fiber cotton consider doing, Y fibrous good heat resistance, consider doing fiberboard; MgO and Al2O3-doped Y2O3 doping ratio of Al2O3 in the grain least 3%, the proportion of MgO-doped BaO 6% Y2O3 doped BaO in the grain is 10% minimum; And the incorporation of Al2O3doped BaO inhibit grain growth better.

    Keywords  Zirconia fibers MgO Y2O3  Phase Change  Stereomicroscope  XRD   FT-IR

    目   录

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  氧化锆及其纤维介绍 1

    1.2  氧化锆相变理论 3

    1.3  稳定氧化锆晶体结构 4

    1.4  氧化锆的不稳定相变 7

    1.5  试验内容和意义 8

    2  试验部分 9

    2.1  试验试剂 9

    2.2  试验仪器 10

    2.3  纤维制备 11

    2.4  取样分析 13

    3  结果讨论 16

    3.1  体视显微镜分析 16

    3.2  晶相组织变化 17

    3.3  红外光谱分析 21

    结  论 23

    致  谢 24

    参 考 文 献

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