    关键词  H90黄铜  D6AC钢  感应加热  熔敷焊工艺  剪切强度 硬度 显微组织
    Title   The Technology Test of The Induced Deposition Welding of H90 and D6AC Steel
    The research status of the welding of copper and steel dissimilar materials was reported, and the conclusion of the welding of copper and steel can be carried out by a variety of methods was drawn. The high frequency induction weld welding of D6AC steel and H90 brass was studied in this paper, induction heating equipment was used for welding these materials. The reasonable parameters in welding process are frequency 35KHz, DC current 400A, AC voltage 395V, AC current 90A, DC voltage 150V,and the welding time was 4 minutes. Forming a flat surface to get a good interface, and the melting of steel substrate does not occur, metallurgical combination is good.
    The shear strength test and hardness test was carried out,the results showed that: The shear strength of the junction is at 182.66Mpa, the strength of the interface  meet the  requirements. And after induction deposited welding the Brinell hardness of copper is HB60-70,and after hardened the Brinell hardness of copper is HB90-100, hardness does not fall ,and it meet the requirements. Finally, the metallurgical test was carried out to get a microstructure analysis ,and to analyze microstructure image the result shows there are no cracks, slag, porosity, lack of fusion and other obvious defects in weld, the welding quality is good.
    Keywords  H90 brass  D6AC steel  Induction heating  Deposition welding crafts  Shear strength  Hardness  Microstructure
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题背景及意义    1
    1.2  异种材料焊接方法和问题    1
    1.3  铜钢焊接研究现状    2
    1.3.1铜钢焊接的特点    2
    1.3.2铜钢焊接的主要问题及原因    3
    1.3.3铜钢焊接的焊接方法    3
    1.4  铜-钢熔敷焊    5
    1.4.1熔敷焊原理    5
    1.4.2熔敷焊方法    5
    1.4.3铜钢感应熔敷焊接的特点    6
    1.4.4铜钢感应熔敷焊发展现状    6
    1.5  本课题研究任务    7
    2  试验材料和设备    8
    2.1  试验材料    8
    2.2  试验设备    9
    2.2.1 高频感应电源    9
    2.2.2 力学性能设备    10
    2.2.3 金相显微镜    13
    3  感应焊接试验过程及结果    14
    3.1  焊前准备工作    14
    3.2  焊接参数设定    14
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