    Fluorinated polyurethane elastomers (FTPU) are species of novel functional macromolecule materials. Fluorinated thermoplastic polyurethane (FPU) combine some virtues of both PU and fluorinated polymer, when fluorine groups introduced into PU, such as high strength, high toughness and high damping properties, good thermal stability, solvent and chemical resistance, lower surface tension, and low coefficient of friction. The synthesis, properties and applications of fluorinated polyurethane were reviewed. Moreover, the future developments of the study of fluorinated polyurethane were also prospected. In this experiment, fluorinated polyurethane was synthesized by poly (tetramethylene ether) glycol (PTMEG), PF-idol, diphenylmethylene diisocyanate (MDI) and chain extender 1, 4-butanediol (BDO). In this paper, infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance hydrogen spectrum and X ray diffraction test showed that the fluorine has been introduced into the polyurethane matrix, Scanning electron microscopy, contact angle analysis and mechanics testing proved that with increasing fluorine content, the microphase separation degree increased, decreased mechanical properties and surface properties, corrosion test shows that with the introduction of fluorine, chemical resistance increase.
    Key words: fluorinated polyurethane, elastomer, synthesis, contact angle, application

    目 录
    1    文献综述    1
    1.1     聚氨酯弹性体概述    1
    1.1.1 TPU弹性体特点    1
    1.1.2 TPU应用    3
    1.2     聚氨酯改性种类    4
    1.2.1 有机硅改性聚氨酯    4
    1.2.2 聚酰亚胺-聚氨酯    5
    1.2.3 丙烯酸酯改性聚氨酯    5
    1.2.4 纳米无机粒子改性聚氨酯    5
    1.3     含氟聚氨酯弹性体概述    5
    1.3.1 组成结构    6
    1.3.2 含氟TPU弹性体特点    7
    1.3.3 应用领域    8
    1.4     发展与前景    9
    1.5     本课题的目的和意义    10
    1.6     研究内容和目标    10
    1.6.1 研究内容    10
    1.6.2 研究目标    10
    2实验部分    11
    2.1 原料及试剂    11
    2.2 实验仪器    11
    2.3 选择的工艺路线和研究方法    13
    2.3.1 FTPU-1的制备    14
    2.3.2 FTPU-2的制备    14
    2.4 含氟聚氨酯弹性体结构表征与性能测试    15
    2.4.1 红外光谱    15
    2.4.2 核磁共振    15
    2.4.3 X射线衍射    16
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